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22 posts total
Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​
God Rattus of Vengeance

@noelle til languages that have actual fractions just slap a numerator and a denominator in a tuple and that seems so obvious to me in retrospect but so very good

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

In the US, companies are under no obligation to honor any request that they stop sending you physical mail. Send them as many requests in as varied a format as you like; they can ignore each and every one.

EXCEPT. If you say "please stop, this mailing made me horny", they are required by federal law to immediately block your address. It doesn't have to be honest or sincere; just saying "your ad turned me on, and I don't like it" is enough. 🌈⭐️

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Les Orchard

@noelle Oh shit, I'm going to have to try this. The Church of Scientology has been mailing me for 30 years since the age of 16 when I took a sidewalk personality test. They've followed me across 3 states and like 12 addresses. It would be great if all I had to say was L. Ron Hubbard's smarmy little face makes me turgid

Baldur's Gate 3 Blood Man :Mlm_vamp_enby_crossbow: ​:puzzle:​ :ffxiv_drk:


Dr. Quadragon ❌
Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

So if you ever wondered whether those Bored Ape NFTs were racist or started by neo-Nazis, wonder no more. (The answer is "yes".)

Bored Ape Club is Racist and Started by Neo-Nazis:

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

I am legitimately in awe of the person so far up their own ass that they think "I haven't heard of NFTs" and "NFTs are awesome!" are the only possible responses here.

Also, no, NFTs are not fucking "Web 3.0", Children of the Coin fuck off

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

Look, I'm just gonna say it: "poggers" sounds really fucking silly to those of us old enough to remember Pogs.

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

Given the comments I'm getting - is "poggers" related to Pogs? I'd always understood it to be derived from "play of the game".

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

I just realized that "nacho" and "Nazi" are linguistic cousins. (Nachos are named for their inventor, Ignacio Anaya; "Nazi" is from Ignatz, a stock "ignorant bumpkin" character in Bavarian jokes.)

Eugen Rochko

@noelle Uh, I thought nazi was a portmanteau of national-sozialist

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

I've never shoplifted.

I've been arrested because someone I was with shoplifted something, and I was banned from Sears for two years, but I've never shoplifted myself.

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

"Queue" is the only English word I know of where you can remove four consecutive letters and have what remains be pronounced the same as the original word.

Ellie πŸβ˜ƒοΈ :blobsnowedin:​

what if πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

we were in space suits πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

and we were both sus πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

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