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25 posts total
Chris Trottier

post importing is coming to !

Which means you’ll soon be able to upload all your old Twitter posts to your Calckey account!

Chris Trottier

Look at this big brain over here playing 4D chess!

He’s leaving Twitter because a woman will be a CEO, so he’s joining Bluesky where a woman is a CEO.

Chris Trottier

Elon Musk is mocking the for returning to .

And you know what?

They deserve all the mockery in the world.

Few journalists have a spine. They keep kowtowing to Twitter even though Elon Musk loathes journalism, and openly voices disdain for it.

So of course, Elon Musk mocks the Press -- they don't stand up for themselves.

And quite frankly, if they're not willing to stand up for themselves, how can any of them hold Elon Musk accountable?

Elon Musk is mocking the for returning to .

And you know what?

They deserve all the mockery in the world.

Few journalists have a spine. They keep kowtowing to Twitter even though Elon Musk loathes journalism, and openly voices disdain for it.

So of course, Elon Musk mocks the Press -- they don't stand up for themselves.

And quite frankly, if they're not willing to stand up for themselves, how can any of them hold Elon Musk accountable?

Chris Trottier

I don’t hate Bluesky—but I see it as a challenge.

People use
because they believe Mastodon is unwelcoming. Okay, let’s build an incredibly welcoming Fediverse environment.

People on Bluesky say that Mastodon lacks a glitzy UI. Fine, we’ll create a UI so whiz bang, you’ll think you’re living in the future.

People on Bluesky say Mastodon is not fun. Then we’ll give you so many fun options, it will be like visiting Studio 54.

Challenge accepted.

Chris Trottier

Watch any LGBTQ+ content on TikTok?

Then TikTok catalogued you!

Not only is this incredibly creepy, it's incredibly outrageous -- and could be used for harm.

People need to stop going to bat for this dumpster fire of an app. Just because Republicans don't like TikTok doesn't mean it's good. In this case, the enemy of your enemy is
not your friend.

It also goes without saying that surveillance capitalism needs to stop. It's not good when TikTok does it, and it's also not good when Google, Meta, and Twitter do it.

Watch any LGBTQ+ content on TikTok?

Then TikTok catalogued you!

Not only is this incredibly creepy, it's incredibly outrageous -- and could be used for harm.

People need to stop going to bat for this dumpster fire of an app. Just because Republicans don't like TikTok doesn't mean it's good. In this case, the enemy of your enemy is
not your friend.

It also goes without saying that surveillance capitalism needs to stop. It's not good when TikTok does it, and it's also not good when Google, Meta, and Twitter do it.

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