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63 posts total
iced quinn
blobfox wants you :blobfoxboop:
to join the war against ms teams
iced quinn
CPU with 18 logical cores

in theory:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper:

[operation done in 3 minutes]

in reality:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcathmpf: :blobcatsleep2:
:blobcatsleep2: :blobcatsleep2: :blobcatsleep2: :blobcathuggies: :blobcatgamer: :blobcatsleep2:
CPU with 18 logical cores

in theory:
:blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper: :blobcathyper:
iced quinn
space engineers but every oxygen tank is laced with a random drug
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