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mouse reeve

Hi hello, it's me, the @bookwyrm maintainer! To support myself, I work as a baker, and the hours and physical demands of the job mean I haven't had the time and energy to give BookWyrm the attention that it needs. I'd love to re-prioritize, but to do that I need... money.

If you would like to see more, better, and faster progress on BookWyrm, consider supporting it financially:

David Bremner

@tripofmice @bookwyrm Do you have a preference? I set up patreon before reading the other possibility. I know people grumble about patreon, but I don't know the details.

mouse reeve

@bremner I don't have a preference, whatever is more convenient for you

beforewisdom 🖖

@tripofmice @bookwyrm

Thank you for providing an alternative to Amazon owned Goodreads.

Why do you work as baker instead of as a programmer?

mouse reeve

@beforewisdom I'd love to work as a programmer.... on BookWyrm :)

beforewisdom 🖖


So you would rather bake for the day job, than program for the day job before coming home to work on BookWyrm?

mouse reeve

@beforewisdom while I can appreciate the curiosity, you're not someone with whom I know well enough to want to philosophize about day jobs

Maarten van Gompel (proycon)

@tripofmice @bookwyrm Keep up the good work! I really like bookwyrm, the way it integrates with the fediverse, and I hope more users move from corporate platforms like goodreads to bookwyrm for their readings lists, reviews, etc..

Victor Villas

@tripofmice @bookwyrm I’m already a Patreon supporter, but don’t hold back asking for other means of supporting this blessed work!

Lien Rag

And what if we would like to see more, better baked goods ?

(but thank your for your service on BookWyrm too !)

mouse reeve

@lienrag my baked goods are no longer getting better, only more arcane :)


@tripofmice @bookwyrm
Is Bookwyrm free as freedom? What is your software license?


@iamhabenula @tripofmice @bookwyrm it took me 30 seconds to find Bookwyrm’s software’s license and it turns out that it’s fuckin awesome.


@iamhabenula @tripofmice @bookwyrm you should use the GPL for your projects if that aligns with your goals.

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@iamhabenula @tripofmice @bookwyrm literally all you’d have to do is put “bookwyrm github” in a search engine but i did it for you, hope it helps


@tripofmice Done and done. If you ever find yourself baking in Philadelphia, I would love to try your arcane baked goods! I promise not to cast dispel magic on them, but they may become invisible…

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