me, personally, I love a Pink Lady but I recognize that Cosmic Crisp is probably the most exciting variety to be made available for general sale in the last 5 years
me, personally, I love a Pink Lady but I recognize that Cosmic Crisp is probably the most exciting variety to be made available for general sale in the last 5 years 19 comments
if you want to hear about apple innovation and disruption, check out this article about the launch of Cosmic Crisp aka WA-38 also I would keep my eye on the WA-64; here is the 2023 fact sheet published by its developers @skyfaller that's one of the last steps in the process! Cosmic Crisp was in development for 20 years and was named toward the end of the process @darius Damn, that's a long time to build hype for WA-64. Something to look forward to, at least. @mhoye I think it's better though not radically! however it is also easier to grow which is a big deal @darius Big fan of a McIntosh here and just about any of the russets and pippins I've had from Vermont. Some of them are weird but all of them are delightful for the difference! @darius I'm rather partial to Gravenstein, but part of that is because it makes great cider, and I have 2 batches from fresh-crushing fermenting now. @jerrysv I have a gravenstein in my yard - most of them went bad because they all ripen the same week and I was traveling :( But I agree I think they are delicious @darius hopefully, with the addition of fresh cashmere hops while fermenting, part of the batch will be even better than normal. last year was not a good year for the tree, this year has bounced back nicely. @jerrysv apparently the gravenstein is more or less biennial: it often, but not always, bears fruit every other year. Which made me a lot better about my tree. @darius huh interesting, thanks for sharing! I knew about its pollination issues, though. |
@darius they just haven't really innovated in the past 5 or 10 years