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Rod Hilton

Right now if you search for "country in Africa that starts with the letter K":

- DuckDuckGo will link to an alphabetical list of countries in Africa which includes Kenya.

- Google, as the first hit, links to a ChatGPT transcript where it claims that there are none, and summarizes to say the same.

This is because ChatGPT at some point ingested this popular joke:

"There are no countries in Africa that start with K."
"What about Kenya?"
"Kenya suck deez nuts?"

Google Search is over.


@rodhilton It’s a great example of why we need a reasonable general knowledge, need to look for a variety of sources for new information and not blindly trust what we read or hear/see. Critical thinking is a must in education.


@rodhilton it's true. I generally avoid Google but, when forced to use the search, I can never get anything but shopping suggestions unless I include "Wiki" in the search.


@rodhilton over? sure. but will it persist for decades based on pure human laziness? absolutely.


Somewhere, someone is giggling uncontrollably because they can't believe their plan worked.


@rodhilton I wonder why mine is different.

Any chance they updated it already?

Edit: of course I posted this before reading the replies...

@GwynHannay @rodhilton Try using the _exact_ same search query wording as Rod.
Literal Cosmo Catalano

@rodhilton honestly ChatGPT seems pretty confused about this one

jonny (good kind)

Google's bet that it would have the comparative advantage to filter LLM spam seems to have backfired by its simultaneous attempt to integrate LLMs into search.


@rodhilton @aidan Bing handles it so well as well, not terribly *at all* 😞🙃


Oh, great, even better... "**K**omoros" isn't even (seemingly) a thing 🙃

Adrian Morales

@rodhilton Honestly, I switched to DuckDuckGo the moment I heard about it and haven't looked back.

Michael Sokolov

@rodhilton it's always interesting to learn new trivia facts like this. I estimate I am the 93d person to reply with this joke. Omg no. What is wrong with you all

Baloo Uriza

@rodhilton Aw fuck. Hey, what's #dmoz doing these days?

EDIT: Answered my own question, apparently the Open Directory Project replaced it!

If the oceans die, we die....

@rodhilton I quit that search site years ago. Duck duck go is my search engine on all my device s.

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@rodhilton Google search was so slow I switched to Duck Duck Go.


@rodhilton There are NO COUNTRIES in Africa that begin with the letter S (-10)


@rodhilton I checked to see if my google home will read that for a laugh. NOPE. just refuses to answer and asks if I wanted to know 'W' African countries


@rodhilton thanks for the info, haven't used google in a while


@rodhilton I use #duckduckgo for my searches but because of the personalised results by google it is good for local searches such as restaurants, ATM's etc.



far out, people

it's a "featured snippet": a result from a 3rd party.
not google, or their own AI, which appears - in the same search - to be well aware that Kenya starts with a K.
a grab conveniently omitted by the OP

Rod Hilton

@ozof I explicitly say exactly this in the post.



then it's a shame that in every other respect, your post strongly conflates the behaviour of that one, ill-informed GPT with Google's relevance as a search engine

the GPT wasn't deliberately misguiding its audience,
but you are.


@rodhilton Google, the most used search engine, is not finding accurate information.
yep, it's over, we're done for.

Keira (She/Her)

@rodhilton wow, still not patched here.

Search really is broken. #gpt #doomed



It's almost like people keep going to google, searching for "country in Africa that starts with the letter K" and then clicking on the absurd result to see the absurd quote for themselves.

Sounds like google is working as expected.


@rodhilton still getting the wrong answer at 11:40 PM eastern time


@rodhilton That's the problem with AI... it's not capable of distinguishing false information... whether a joke, sarcasm or lies.

Charles J Gervasi ⚡🛡️🥥

@rodhilton Maybe they fixed it. I got the correct answer coming in from #Firefox private mode, no VPN, from #Madison, WI.

Charles J Gervasi ⚡🛡️🥥

@rodhilton #Google responds with #Kenya, but #Bing still says there are no African countries that start with K!



I just tried it and got the erroneous result. Vivaldi, Android, not signed into Google, both with VPN and without. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Super. Lime. :firefox:

@rodhilton So sad. ChatGPT is a plague released on the internet.

Mikal with a k


This is why, when I win the lottery, I'm going to put tens of millions toward a funding a crack team that can build search as a noncommercial, digital public commons. The incentives of commercial search products, especially surveillance advertising-based ones, are misaligned with the needs of the global online public. If Wikipedia and the Fediverse can work, so can this.


@rodhilton that next sentence - "the closest is Kenya, which starts with a 'K' sound, but is actually spelled with a 'K' sound" - is the part that's really doibg my head in.


@rodhilton For me it's second result, which is... not great. Honestly which is higher might depend on which is paying google more for our regions.


@rodhilton I'm curious to see how many more google search results we can turn in to deez nuts jokes.

For science, obviously.


@rodhilton It's cute... but i just tried asking chatgpt....

Me: "a country in africa that stars with the letter k"

"A country in Africa that starts with the letter "K" is Kenya. Other African countries starting with "K" include:

Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland)
Kiribati (though it's not in Africa, but in Oceania)
Kenya is a country located in East Africa, and it is known for its scenic landscapes, wildlife, and cultural diversity."

why mention Kiribati?

@rodhilton It's cute... but i just tried asking chatgpt....

Me: "a country in africa that stars with the letter k"

"A country in Africa that starts with the letter "K" is Kenya. Other African countries starting with "K" include:

Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland)
Kiribati (though it's not in Africa, but in Oceania)
Kenya is a country located in East Africa, and it is known for its scenic landscapes, wildlife, and cultural diversity."

sweetpotato cymbal

@rodhilton Great example of why AI is an anti-imperialist, civil liberty, feminist and queer issue as well. ChatGPT has no moral standings, it has prompt-injections before user-input. Chaotic neutral will amplify social injustices.

Imran Nazar

This might be the longest thread I've yet seen on Mastodon... Let's see how this goes.

@ThreadTree unroll

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Matisyahu 🏳️‍🌈✡️🌹🚆🚂🥑🇺🇦

@rodhilton Interesting, if I am not logged in I get the result you did (I was in incognito mode) but if I search when logged into my account the correct result comes up.


Funny thing: I am using Kagi search, and while it hits first the same crap, the summarized answer is actually correct.
A case of being right for the wrong reasons ? 😅


@rodhilton This ought to be enough for the whole AI craze to be called off, right?


@rodhilton Honestly, I'm willing to just let Google become just fully comedic and leave serious searches to better browsers

Amin Negm-Awad

@rodhilton ChatGPT is pure word processing. It does nothing deductive.

It is stupid as hell.

Jens Peter :verified:

@rodhilton That is a major error.
I haven't used Google for some years now but this one I had to look up and I got the same misleading answer.
Shame on Google and their AI.

This Is ARTman

Are you sure? I tried this and it's pretty normal for me... Is this a USA thing?

Ian Edward Francis Heaton

@rodhilton I've noticed the past few months of how bad Google search has gone, and that's from a minimal technical background. Searches have been largely repetitive and irrelevant to what you're searching for. How can we have artificial intelligence when there isn't a great deal in society these days?


@rodhilton I had to fact check this, but it’s still true as of now…


@rodhilton I tested with Brave search which also displays an AI summariser result at the top. It starts with incorrect information and then goes on a series of contradictions and irrelevancy. At least it mentions Kenya, though. 😆

Mia🏳️‍⚧️🌸(too hot for you)💋


I don't think that the answer given on is actuly ChatGPT, they way it writes looks more like a small llm.

Also i was not able to replicate the answer with the prompt on this webpage



There are several countries in Africa that start with the letter "K". They are:

1. Kenya
2. Kingdom of eSwatini (though it's primarily known as eSwatini, its official title does start with "Kingdom")
3. Kiribati (Note: While Kiribati is a country, it is not in Africa. It's in the central Pacific Ocean. I mention it only for the sake of completeness regarding countries starting with "K", but please be aware of its correct location.)
4. Comoros (Note: The English name doesn't start with a "K", but in Comorian it's called "Komori", which does.)

Among these, only Kenya is a widely recognized African country that starts with a "K".


Kenya is a country in Africa that starts with the letter "K."


I don't think that the answer given on is actuly ChatGPT, they way it writes looks more like a small llm.

Also i was not able to replicate the answer with the prompt on this webpage



There are several countries in Africa that start with the letter "K". They are:


@rodhilton feels like the only change to monetized google is added attitude

Jules 🍺

@rodhilton just tried this on my phone and the result is still wrong, fortunately I use duck duck go


@rodhilton It's a pretty crappy joke in the first place.

Jay Cheroske

@rodhilton The level of Google enshittification these days is just mind-blowing. I really need to stop using it.


I think there is a problem, but in this case not so much Google search imo.
It shows several sites that the algorithm sees as relevant. It's not directly serving us an answer generated by AI.It's still up to us to discern the right one.
Automated search will never be trivial.

Google serving rubbish as it's first result will always be possible. It's the neverending battle between search engines and the ones trying to game the system.

Abraham Samma

@rodhilton 🤣 this is absolutely ridiculous. I think we've reached an inflection point wrt Google's search results quality. For heaven's sake even Bing is more reliable!


> Google Search is over.

Could be, but everyone who has used DDG knows that it won't be the successor to it.

Jay Peach

@rodhilton “AI” is just a bad joke, and is constructed to be used by losers and morons.


@rodhilton the most hilarious part is that Kenya starts with a K sound but it's actually spelled with a K sounds

Lokoko SFW

@rodhilton it gave me an equally confusing answer on Chrome for mobile

boB Rudis 🇺🇦 #NeverGoingBack

@rodhilton Logged-in to G I get a real, useful answer. Incognito mode, it def is busted

Sir Nedwood - Sydney 🇦🇺

@rodhilton "But is actually spelled with a "K" sound". I thought we used letters to spell rather then sounds. oh well my bad.


@rodhilton Unrestrained use of ChatGPT is already ruining the quality of the internet, it probably won't take too long until there's a flood of AI generated shit articles and misinformation covering up real content


@rodhilton maybe logic there is that Kenya is actually «Republic of Kenya» (or «Jamhuri ya Kenya»)

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