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don't be an evil dick šŸŒˆ

Uh, please tell me this is universal? Please?

Varpie Yes it is (well, maybe not every sentence, but often). Sometimes I find it tiring how ADHD people are like "hey, I do this... must be ADHD!". Like, having follow-up thoughts? Everybody does, come on.

Schrottkatze bonus points if you use them like nested (so you can do bonus content for your bonus content (which is really cool i think))

Didier Raboud

@nikodemus oh it's likely not (but really, parentheses allow to follow thought threads!)


@nikodemus Lol! I just showed that to my husband (who has ADHD) and he responded, ā€œYes! Andā€¦ā€ followed by a stream of consciousness response on how people with ADHD just canā€™t turn off their race car brains. šŸ™ƒ



Don't worry, you're not forced to use it if you don't like this. You can instead ā€“and this sounds more intellectualā€“ hypens instead of parenthesis ā€“and it sounds more like a comment DLC rather than a thought.


I have always been a parentheses within parentheses user (because I always feel like I need to clarify myself [but that's because I always got into trouble for apparently saying things I hadn't])


@redthewizard @nikodemus Don't forget the infinite use of dashes ā€“ because they're just too useful (though there might be too many of them in my thesis... I don't want to remove them though!)


I try to avoid dashes in formally submitted work because I never learned the keyboard shortcuts for all the different types of dash!! (I don't want to be banished by all my writer-friends by saying that there should only be one type of dash, buttttt......)


@redthewizard I just trust the process (and my supervisor to correct them) at that point haha


@nikodemus and nested parentheses (because bonus thoughts come with bonus thoughts (and it never ends))


@santiago @nikodemus I have OCD as well and my code is well indented, when I come across a poorly indented or organized code I almost have a heart attack.

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@kennergf @nikodemus Thatā€™s why I donā€™t open source my code. It could literally kill people šŸ˜…


@nikodemus if you're not going three levels deep (at least) does that even count?

An unabridged non-banal thought of mine is nearly indistinguishable from a lisp program

Klaus Stein

Well, parentheses are fine for (some) side effects of (more complex) arguments, butĀ¹ also can derail from the (main) argument. So I nowĀ² often use footnotes as an additional tool.Ā³ But nested parenthesesāµ are fine too.

Ā¹this is not meant as an argument against using them
Ā²on toots
Ā³they not only allow to talk about separate aspects,ā“ they also can have their own (useful) parentheses.
ā“without breaking the main stream of thought
āµwe should use all the āØāŖā¦…ā€¦ā¦†ā«ā© ;-)

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@nikodemus at the third layer of parenthesis, I usually stop and rephrase.

Scottā€™s Robots

@nikodemus definitely true for me, except I mask it by overusing theā€”adjusts monocleā€”more ā€œsophisticatedā€ em dash.


@nikodemus i have to fight this urge constantly! I think "sideways" meaning just about every thought that passes through my head spiders off to the left and right and brings in other thoughts. Even if sometimes the relation is something only in my head that wouldn't even make sense to anyone else.


@nikodemus interestingly how you use them depends on which field you interested in (Mathematics use multiple different ones for example [which are repeated when they run out {and are nested}])

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