By the way, I just boosted a couple posts about the often-overlooked Tweetdeck-style "Advanced Mode" for Mastodon:
If you use this, you might be interested in installing the "Stylus" extension and using @Eramdam's "Compacter Mastodon" userstyle:
This looks more like the old Mastodon 3.0, fits a LOT more on the screen, and posts are indented past the avatars, which I think makes the page much easier to scan.
My Mastodon looks like this:
I also, incidentally, run with my own very small userstyle. This removes the "ALT" badge on images with alt text, which I find distracting. (I think the *ideal* would be to put a "NO ALT" penalty badge on images that DON'T have alt text, but this is harder to do in pure CSS.)