69 is the sex number, 420 is the weed number, 0451 is the immersive sim number
@darius 666 number of the beast
@iamkale thank you
@darius bird is the word
@darius I like to imagine this is what they teach at game design schools
@darius 1337 is the dork number
@darius 5280 is the Denver number.
@darius 5309 is the Jenny number.
@darius and 8675309 is the phone number
@darius 808 is the drum number(and the Hawaii number)
@darius 555 is the timer number
@darius 007 is the license number...to kill.
@darius 54.7 is the NMR number
@darius 9:41 Apple device ad number
@darius 666 number of the beast