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Eric A. Meyer

Twitter learned, and Reddit is fast learning, that people are not addicted to the platform, they’re addicted to the community they found there. Ruin the community, and people will leave the platform. It really is that simple.


@tonet @Meyerweb bueno, a Twitter le sobran los usuarios, no creo que debido a Mastodon haya tenido mucha pérdida, la verdad

Robby Barnes :trekbar:

@Meyerweb completely agree other than I doubt either of them actually learned that.

MarcinW 🖥️🚀

@Meyerweb not sure what you mean. All of the communities are still on Twitter. Nothing happened in that regard. Even a number of vocal critics, like some of the politicians or Stephen King, did not create an account on Mastodon, yet alone cross-posted or moved here.

Ricardo Tavares

@Meyerweb Unfortunately, capitalism has trained people’s minds to confuse having a monetizable reach with having a nice community. Also, leaving is not convenient. But an important minority still does exit these platforms.

Kitchen Priestess (she/her)


Overall, businesses know Americans are too lazy to boycott them. Most people are not interested in being inconvenienced. So they'll hang on until the last straw, whatever that is for them. Americans as a whole are not willing to make sacrifices for principles. See also climate change, covid, and living wages.


@Meyerweb You saying that community and the need to infinite growth in a corporation aren't compatible? Hmm... :-) I hate to be that person, but I've longed to see a free-er internet and if it takes them burning themselves down, then it's gotta be I guess.


@Meyerweb We keep saying this but nobody hears it.

We're not addicted to our phones/computers, we're social animals addicted to each other and this is where we find the connection.

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