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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Apple seems to have forgotten what the word "design" even means.

I always hated Apples closed-down policies, but I used to love watching their presentations, where they show what's new in their system and very carefully explain why they made this or that decision, what practical problem does it solve, how inconvenient it was before and how smooth and fluid of an experience it will be now.

They invented or codified a ton of good ideas worth stealing. Taptic feedback, inertial scrolling, magsafe connectors, composite windowing, the dock, even going back to stealing the mouse and GUI from Xerox - it was a pretty good idea upcycling move. Not to mention their Aqua UI was a skeumorphic feast for the sore eyes. It really pushed the envelope of what users are willing to accept. (it turned out somebody was willing to accept Windows Aero, but that's beside the point).

Now, in 2021 we get a notch on a laptop.


Dr. Quadragon ❌

What practical problem does it solve? The notch is universally, unequivocally hated on the phones. It's ugly, and thin bezels ain't really worth it, in all honesty. Who at Apple thought it was a good idea to put this abomination on a laptop screen? Not to mention, messing up the OS UI to fit it. We didn't want this, we don't need this, we never asked for this.

/dev/urandom (aka jan Lentan)

@drq i'd say that it's clever in an evil way by making windows and linux require adaptations, but the laptop in question already runs an ARM chip, meaning almost nobody who wants to install an alternative OS is gonna want it anyway :-(

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