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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Pls help.

Looking for cases when a game is borked on Windows but runs fine under Proton.

I can remember it was memed by many people but now can't find it, because Google is dumb.

tech? no! man, see...

@drq not sure about proton but the original StarCraft runs way better on Wine than on Windows

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@technomancy The question is not about "way better", rather it's about "works at all".

I've seen screenshots where a game gives multiple errors on Windows 10, but on Linux//Proton - it Just Works.

tech? no! man, see...

@drq sure; from my memory that's the case with StarCraft. on some Windows versions it wouldn't even launch and on others the graphical glitches were so bad as to make it unplayable.

Wilmhit until prvn guilty

@drq most of old games borked on windows work fine under proton

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