I can inspect this cube as close as I want with this sexy clipping ooh mama now we're talking
#uxn #theWorkshop
This is aaalmost feature complete and i'll be releasing it as a library soon. What's left is some FOV stuff and code cleanup here and there
I tried to keep the API as simple as possible -- you have a `set-camera`, `set-screen`, `project-point`, and `project-line` and that's basically it
@bellinitte CHARLIE: CHIEF CUBE INSPECTOR *deep voice* coming soon to theaters
@bellinitte Ooooo mama, this is perfect!!
This is aaalmost feature complete and i'll be releasing it as a library soon. What's left is some FOV stuff and code cleanup here and there
I tried to keep the API as simple as possible -- you have a `set-camera`, `set-screen`, `project-point`, and `project-line` and that's basically it