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Dr. Quadragon ❌

I got the news that @eris and @changeling are shutting down Disqordia.

This... is devastating. I see how much love and thought was put into that community. It breaks my heart that it is coming to an end. I, honestly would like someone to continue driving this community. I would like Eris to consider transfering ownership of Disquordia. But, I guess, this is not to be.

Thank you, Eris, for everything you've done. Thanks for all the occasions you've supported me personally as well. This means a lot to me.

Changeling, I'm looking forward to your new projects.

upd: Eris IS considering transfering ownership!

PLEASE DO!!! Disqordia must live!

1 comment
Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

@eris @changeling @drq Ouch, is that the same Eris we occasionally saw on Fedi. If so we are disappointed to see then go, and wonder what lead to this moment.

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