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Hmm. Much to disagree with here.
I'm assuming you don't think Putin represents the Soviet Union and if not where do you think it all went wrong?
I'm no advocate for capitalist ideology either.


@mrjonno it all went all went wrong when Gorbachev decided to abandon communism and adapt western liberal policies. I personally lived through all that and saw the horrors of these policies with my own eyes.

This is also a good read on how USSR could've taken an alternative path similar to China instead doing shock privatization


I thought you were going to say Gorbachev. Taken a look at the article and doesn't wash at all.
Apparently Communists still talk in terms of GDP and 'Growth'? 😟
The very problem with neoliberalism.
Consider China's huge debt to be serviced - half of economic output. Consider that China became the world's sweatshop due to 'off-shoring' and with other Eastern economies who had investment pulled after '87 crash invested in their own.
Consider human rights and democracy...
I can go on...


I have a very good Polish friend who lived through communism and related corruption to recall queues for essentials and cultural repression as a Catholic nation.
I think we should learn from the past and not try to recreate the issues due to flawed ideology.
We can do better. We really are all in this together and hopefully progress together. Do you know the 'Doughnut'?


@mrjonno I literally grew up in USSR, but yes do tell me more about what my life there was really like πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

What the west has accomplished is worse than USSR in every way imaginable.

Nobody is claiming that USSR war perfect, or that we can't do better. However, one has to be deplorably ignorant that USSR wasn't a net positive for the world.

And collapse of USSR was a tragedy for millions of people

@mrjonno I literally grew up in USSR, but yes do tell me more about what my life there was really like πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

What the west has accomplished is worse than USSR in every way imaginable.

Nobody is claiming that USSR war perfect, or that we can't do better. However, one has to be deplorably ignorant that USSR wasn't a net positive for the world.


@mrjonno people constantly denouncing USSR would be a lot more credible if they had any workable alternatives to offer, instead all you do is help perpetuate the capitalist hell the west has imposed on the world.


I've tried to provide you with one.
I get that we have to work together and suggest Marx was a product of his comprehension when we should be working together to do far better in the light of the mistakes we have made and enlightenment that science has provided instead of advocating statism that hasn't worked.
I'll try again. Please watch and add #fossilfuels #pollution etc as a comprehension ignorant of communist ideology...


@mrjonno you have yet to state what your actual criticism of Marx or his analysis.

If you can't even articulate what you're trying to criticize then it's not reasonable to ask me to watch an hour and a half video from some random group.


I'm really sorry that you would describe @doughnuteconomics #science and #rational as 'random groups' when I am trying to be positive in the light of World destroying itself and our planet.
Fair question to ask for a Marx critique though.


Except it hasn't been. I absolutely get Marx and his concepts of socialism but they are of a time and flawed.
What do you think about #lgbtqia and gulags?


@mrjonno every human society is flawed, that's the reality.

The claim that Marx is somehow out of time gets repeated often, yet if you actually read Marx then you'll see that his writings are very much relevant to our time and what's happening in the world today.

And I have no idea what gbtqia has to do with communism to be honest.


@mrjonno I must also assume that you're entirely unaware that GDR was a pioneer of many lgbtqia rights?


@mrjonno you were trying to make an argument that human rights violations somehow stem from communism, yet the reality is that communist countries have some of the most progressive laws in the world

mrjonno replied to Yogthos

I'm interested to understand what you think progression is.

Yogthos replied to mrjonno

@mrjonno what Cuba and GDR accomplished, curious why you keep trying to make a nonsensical argument here

mrjonno replied to Yogthos


mrjonno replied to Yogthos

Thing is. I get where you are coming from. The Russians who had it good to rely on a state to provide just as Americans relied on the 'dream' did/do so in ideological ignorance.
You seem to think #humanrights and #science nonsensical. I assume you dismiss Nikolai Kardashev as a great Russian too?

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