@flore @r000t @0xabad1dea That's known as a one time pad.
@r000t @flore @0xabad1dea I still remember the recommended speed for an asteroid field in Wing Commander because it was one of the answers to the DRM questions. @r000t @Kye @0xabad1dea it's not a TOTP, right. But it's still a 2nd factor : something you own (in addition to the password : something you know) |
@Kye @flore @0xabad1dea nah, I don't remember what it's called, but LastPass in the early 2010s had it as a free-tier 2FA feature.
The codes aren't "burned" as they're used like an OTP would be, you're just asked to provide random values from the grid. Sorta like early video game DRM.