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Dan Bruno

went to my local mall yesterday for the first time in a year and a half and i'm sorry to report that i don't think things are going well over there

Dan Bruno

they were already not doing so hot before the pandemic—they went from three stories down to two and started leasing office space on the top floor, and they lost one of their big anchor stores (sears). but now they've lost the other one (macy's) and are shedding regular stores too (even a starbucks!). at one spot there were three vacant stores in a row

Darius Kazemi

@danbruno RIP. I'm guessing the apple store is long gone?

Dan Bruno

@darius the apple store is still around! there's still some popular stuff in there (i guess best buy is arguably an anchor store for them?). but it does feel like covid, and maybe lechmere being closed, has accelerated the doomsday clock

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