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Jane Johnson (books)

In Poland, waxwing birds love to eat fermented fruit, get drunk and then lie insensible on the pavement.
People collect them and put them in a safe place until they sober up... #OurBeautifulWorld
Thanks to @StateofPoland for the photo.


@JaneJohnsonBakr Even here in Finland, waxwings eat fermented rowan berries and get drunk. I've never seen them lying around though.

Grant Williams

@JaneJohnsonBakr I have heard that several fruit-doves getting intoxicated on fermented fruit. Also lorikeets. I will see if I can track down some records rather than anecdotes 😀 That seems like some fun homework 🦤

jakub :badge: :badge:

@JaneJohnsonBakr i'm polish and afaik this is fake news and the birds are dead


@JaneJohnsonBakr The annual autumn berry festival kept the local Polish force extra busy this year, but was as always a huge success.


@JaneJohnsonBakr No, they’re not drunk. They’re all dead, probably from hitting something on their flying path


I had to look it up, cedar waxwings arent the only birds to imbibe. Birds often have accidents when flying inebriated


@JaneJohnsonBakr birds getting shitfaced on a bench infront of a commie block on whatever booze they can find? Sounds like Poland alright 😂


@JaneJohnsonBakr so relatable. I love do the same :homer_celebrating:


@JaneJohnsonBakr i love that people put them in safe places. Wholesome.

Louise Winters

@interacter @JaneJohnsonBakr

Oh! I love waxwings and love the idea of inebriated birds being looked after ... and then I read some of the later comments on your post, Jane, and looks like that explanation has been debunked.

hiding from plagues ☣️♿ fam this is so funny

Radical Anthropology

@JaneJohnsonBakr looks like fake news, maybe better to boost the post explaining it?

Karl-Heinz Zimmer

@RadicalAnthro @JaneJohnsonBakr
😀 In this special case I don't care if the story is true or not …

I just love the idea of friendly people taking care of poor drunken birds. 😍

Radical Anthropology

@khzimmer2 @JaneJohnsonBakr unless people aren't taking care of birds banging into glass?

Jakub Klawiter :mastodon:

Yes… except it's fake, and birds on the picture are dead.

PammyStarr :ani_clubtwit: ✍️

@JaneJohnsonBakr if only people had treated me with such care back when I drank! That is just too funny and so wonderful.

Stefan Scholl

@JaneJohnsonBakr This sounds like a story Sophie Kachinsky would tell.


@JaneJohnsonBakr @rhipratchett I'm sorry, but that's been debunked. They're dead, mostly likely scared and hit a windows/wall as a whole group.


@JaneJohnsonBakr I learned recently, in Aruba, that butterflies feed from fermented fruit and that's the main reason they fly the way they do.


@JaneJohnsonBakr several comments state this is a false story. Maybe you should think about taking it down or amending the post?

Chloe Tse :BlobhajSadReach:

@JaneJohnsonBakr I'm loving this thread where people are sharing their countries' alcoholic wild animals.


@JaneJohnsonBakr given the post's reach, it'd be responsible to edit it and add the debunk/explanation linked by other people. thanks!


@JaneJohnsonBakr I know a few fellows who act the same, I may now call them "waxwings".

PJ Perez :tio:

@JaneJohnsonBakr I have a friend from Białystok that's pretty much a waxwing bird based on that description. I also had to pick him up from the floor and put him in a safe place a couple of times...


@JaneJohnsonBakr I am not so sure they like getting drunk, but this is an opportunity to be kind.


@JaneJohnsonBakr seagulls in the UK go crazy for flying ants when millions of these insects leave the nests en masse... they then get "drunk" as they can't fully digest all the toxins in the ants' bodies. I have driven through town at night and marvelled at drunk hordes of gulls staggering around the streets looking exactly like the weekend crowd of drunk students you would usually see instead. One even walked smack into the front of the car when I was stopped to let it swerve across the road...

Krystian Kopeć

@JaneJohnsonBakr unfortunately #fakenews. This has been already debunked by multiple experts and the birds probably died as a result of having hit an obstacle.

Climate Jenny 2.0

@JaneJohnsonBakr Possibly “poisoned” is more accurate, and I can’t imagine this is something the birds did deliberately, even if are going to recover.




This is too Hilarious and kinda sweet!



Now "The White Hare" sounds like just the sort of ME book! *wink*

But this also sounds like a tale to be written up as well!

ME does have a vivid imagination for fairy tales!

Tina :verified:

@JaneJohnsonBakr @Terrih Nothing worse than drunk birds. At least they don’t consume and fly. :awesome:

Terri Harland

@Porpentina2017 @JaneJohnsonBakr It would be nice if people who drink can’t drive like if they just get in the car and the car doesn’t start.

doomy 🦀

@JaneJohnsonBakr sorry but these birds are dead and you read a fake story my friend :(

Big Dan T

@JaneJohnsonBakr I knew that’s was a reason I love the Poles.

Resting Facebitch

@JaneJohnsonBakr Damn. And here's me having to get a taxi like some chump.

They've got it sorted.


@JaneJohnsonBakr Yeah, I mean that looks like a loaded buffet table for carnivores!


@JaneJohnsonBakr we should do that for each other as well 😆

Jed Parsons


I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the strong liquor in the fruit again.


@JaneJohnsonBakr Guys! I just figured out what I want to come back as!


@JaneJohnsonBakr The picture is not from Poland. The probable cause of death is striking a large glass pane. Here's some fact-checking, but it's in Polish, so I expect some will assume that the factcheckers were drunk. But this story has been debunked in other places too.

Michał Zając

@JaneJohnsonBakr this doesn't really happen and the most likely explanation is that they hit something and are dead :(


@JaneJohnsonBakr In France we have the same problem with Les prépas scientifiques

Momodou s Barry

Thanks for sharing never came across of this before.

NuddaOz Steph🇭🇲

@JaneJohnsonBakr do the people do the same for their own kind? I love this. I didn't know this happened. Alcoholic birds. Do they go to rehab? 😂

Amish Super Model

@JaneJohnsonBakr I can just hear them the next morning, “OMG guys! Could you just STOP with the constant chirping!”

Carla Martin

@JaneJohnsonBakr How amazing is that. Thank you Jane for this. 😊 🌷 🐥

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@JaneJohnsonBakr yeah, animals tend to also abuse toxins like alcohol.

Dolphins tend to chew on pufferfish and get high on Teterodotoxin...

And Elephants overendulge on the Amarula tree...


@JaneJohnsonBakr That the cat organization to easily catch the prize and return to their human with something to eat :)


@JaneJohnsonBakr Sadly, this is not the case, this photo got viral, but the reality isn't as funny as usual description indicates.

Fleash Vermin 🐀 🔞

@JaneJohnsonBakr The Polish word for waxwing is "jemiołuszka", somewhat related to "jemioła" - mistletoe.



Reminds me of being on staff at a furry convention. :blobcatgooglyshrug:

(Just kidding, it never gets that bad. Conventions are great and I love helping run them. ❤)

Cloud Manul

@mirabilos @JaneJohnsonBakr
This is fascinating and disturbing at the same time


@JaneJohnsonBakr la nature nous étonnera tjrs. Quelle merveille 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Martin Vermeer FCD

@JaneJohnsonBakr Rowan berries? Waxwings (tilhit) do this in Finland too.


@JaneJohnsonBakr in australia kangaroos eat farmed poppys for medical grade the kangaroos key so stoned they get stoned they hop aimlessly around in circles

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