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Nate Martin

@tubetime Know anyone interested in some old test equipment?

HP 16500B Logic Analysis System, with 1 GS/s oscilloscope card, 2x 100Mhz logic cards, and a 1GHz timing master.

Powers up, passes self tests, touchscreen works.

I also have a HP 54502A digitizing oscilloscope, but it shorts when turned on. Probably needs some caps replaced.

I could go to eBay to sell these, but I’d rather find an enthusiast who would appreciate/repair these.

These have been stored in a dusty shop


@natemartinsf i'm good for logic analyzers but maybe someone else local wants it? i can ask around in some discords

Nate Martin

@tubetime I’d appreciate that! Mind boosting the post here too?

Григорий Клюшников

A CRT touchscreen? Is it one of those infrared things or something else?

Nate Martin

@grishka Maybe? The CRT bezel is surrounded by black plastic, which could be hiring IR sensors

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