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Jon Dubovsky

@darius This doesn't directly help you, but in case it helps a little: I have a script in my ~/bin that contains:

git log `git merge-base --fork-point master`..HEAD --format="format:%s%n%b"

which just prints all commit messages for the current branch. I can run it as:
glogbranch | xclip
glogbranch | clip (on cygwin)
to dump it into the clipboard for pastin'.

Darius Kazemi

@jond ah nice! the pretty printing will be helpful

Darius Kazemi

@jond oh wow here's some magic that fixes my issue (which is that I am doing my dev via ssh on another machine)

Instead of piping to `xclip` I can pipe to `ssh myLocalMachine pbcopy`, like:

glogbranch | ssh myLocalMachine pbcopy

This works since my local machine is a mac that uses pbcopy to do clipboard stuff. Amazing.

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