When you push a branch to Github, if that branch has 1 commit and you make a pull request, the title of the PR becomes the short description of the commit, and the body becomes the long description of the commit. I like this a lot.
Is there a way to get Github to pre-populate a new PR with all the commit descriptions in a branch with multiple commits? Right now I have to copy/paste all the commit descriptions into the PR text body manually.
@darius This doesn't directly help you, but in case it helps a little: I have a script in my ~/bin that contains:
git log `git merge-base --fork-point master`..HEAD --format="format:%s%n%b"
which just prints all commit messages for the current branch. I can run it as:
glogbranch | xclip
glogbranch | clip (on cygwin)
to dump it into the clipboard for pastin'.