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Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

WOW. Elon Musk's Twitter straight-up banned the account for Mastodon. Just, wow.


@gamingonlinux but Elon advocates "free speech" whilst banning people he personally doesn't like!

Niall L

@gamingonlinux Not taking the piss out of it any more, then? Someone's worried


@gamingonlinux you could see it like you can't say "alexa, use google to search ..."

Ryan Hanly โœ…

@gamingonlinux It's a good thing Twitter banned Mastodon cause I only just knew about this awesome app


@gamingonlinux He's appears to be banning people who directky criticise him.

Kurt Cagle

@gamingonlinux I have always been uncomfortable with just how fragile Twitter (and for that matter Facebook) was, to the extent that I've always been reluctant to invest heavily in terms of promotion or resources there. This was so unnecessary, but in a way, it was probably just as well that it did happen. Mastodon will thrive. Twitter ... not so much.


@gamingonlinux I wonder which rule he would say it violated


@gamingonlinux what a pathetic tyrannical little manbaby

David Regee

@gamingonlinux Chevy won't put Tesla stickers on Volts either... It's Elon company he can bake what ever cake he likes...


@gamingonlinux huh Twitter has just turned into a soap opera platform after Musk. People should value their time somewhere else

Erica Hargreave

@gamingonlinux of course he would. Sadly not surprised. I was waiting for that yo happen.

Lucian Costin

@gamingonlinux wow!
What a crazy turn has Twitter taken lately.

They are also now banning the mastodon links, Elon doesn't like competition either. A small dictator in his own yard

Daniela Berson

@gamingonlinux so suspending mastodon is fair game because they're a direct competitor but when Ford and GM refuse to line Tesla's pockets it's bad LOL


@gamingonlinux Is it that weird? No. Itโ€™s just high-profile now is all.

Ever seen a Chevy ad inside a Ford dealer? Itโ€™s the same situation except digital property.


@gamingonlinux How is it different? I donโ€™t buy your empty argument.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

@greypilgrim the internet is an open platform, you can be on and interact with more than one website or social network at a time


@gamingonlinux Sure. I agree there.

How about controlling your own website, like your own? Do you allow someone to publish an article about joining Boiling Steam? Or does your website not qualify as "the internet" but Twitter does?

Hera [Ft. Dante from the Devil May Cry series]

@greypilgrim @gamingonlinux Iโ€™ll do you one better.
Have _You_ ever seen an ad for another restaurant on the tv of one youโ€™re in? Yes, yes you have.
Before you say thatโ€™s apples to oranges, it is, and so is yours
It happens and they let it, there would be no point in blocking it, it would be childish and accomplish almost nothing.
If customers notice, it would turn them off the business that does it


@gamingonlinux this is just a regular ban. For $8.00 you can get the blue ban!


@gamingonlinux So much for free speech and all that right?


@gamingonlinux funfact, Iโ€™m posting this thanks to Musk taking this action and piquing my interest in Mastadon. For such a smart guy he sure lacks an understanding of the Streisand Effect.


@gamingonlinux I can safely say, I didn't Nazi this happening.

Jon Bjork

@gamingonlinux I'm glad Elon spends time on rocket science, but social media is just not in his wheelhouse.


@gamingonlinux he's claiming all the people being blocked is for doxxing, and right-wing Twitter is going right along with it. Yikes. Yeah Elon, Voice of America was doxxing people. Sure.


@gamingonlinux They're not allowing invites or links to mastodon either.

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