Hitachi HDD: Z7K320-250 / 250GB / SATA 3.0Gb/s.
Data erasure method: 50lb Longbow, two arrows at 15 yards.
Hitachi HDD: Z7K320-250 / 250GB / SATA 3.0Gb/s. 183 comments
Extra points for style! Nice! Made me think of this, of course. @JulianOliver that must of killed the arrow tips. The amount of arrows I killed when missing the target and hitting the frame was painful. @JulianOliver Seems a lot more fun than my patented* "hit it with a hammer and soak in a bucket of salt water for a week" technique. *no actual patent applied @JulianOliver @leyrer @JulianOliver someone somewhere is speculating how the nsa could still get data off it @JulianOliver @JulianOliver Yeah but I heard if you put it in the freezer for an hour it'll still work. :-) @JulianOliver A determined clean room could still recover something from the drive. Still. Nice choice in targets. @JulianOliver Dear NIST, Please add the above process to the next revision of Special Publication 800-88. @JulianOliver @lluis_nacenta This is how we used to rewind hard drives back in the 80s when the power went. @JulianOliver Is this similar to 'reprogramming with a large axe' as suggested in Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 😄 @needa A simple 145 grain screw in field point for an insert fitting a .246" internal diameter shaft. @JulianOliver Thanks @needa 30lb compound is a little light but may do it. I'd be sure to make at least a 10GPP (grains per pound) arrow so you have the momentum to break through. If possible a 400gn arrow. @JulianOliver I'd still recommend to run a wiper script [ ], microwave it a then throw it into a shredder... @JulianOliver :blobcatsweat: i mean its reasonable to use a drill but its quite new to me to delete data with a longbow
@JulianOliver @Kegeruneku how much it is in understandable units? 😅