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Alex Garnett

@darius the spritework is even closer to snes tactics ogre!! I haven't actually loved the playability of the stuff coming out of the octopath team so far (and their obsession with depth of field is... cute), but in general I think the people working on these revival projects from inside rightsholders understand what they're doing way better than they did a decade ago so I'm optimistic

Darius Kazemi

@axfelix so I thought octopath was.... meh. But the actual tactics in this demo are really good. Of course there's no job system or economy or anything, just a linear series of battles but so far, so good. I also *really* love that you have to debate all your party members to get them to vote on major branching story decisions

Alex Garnett

@darius yeah, that was a neat thing I'm glad they stole from divinity original sin. I also just finished yakuza 7 which has some real pacing/balance problems in the mid-game but was very, very affectionately written (almost like a japanese saints row 4), and I've been playing star wars squadrons with my craigslisted HOTAS the past couple days, it's a minor miracle that they managed to make AAA tie fighter and it feels good and is fun considering the current state of star wars media

Darius Kazemi

@axfelix I adored Yakuza 7. It's my idea Yakuza game: no beat em up battles. I'm actually about to start D:OS for the first time...

Alex Garnett replied to Darius

@darius oh you're in for a treat, the first one even more than the second is I think one of the only real modern successors to fallout 1 in how free-from and lackadaisical it is, and the terry pratchett tone is a++ throughout

Darius Kazemi replied to Alex

@axfelix oh haha I just looked and I have the second one?

Alex Garnett replied to Darius

@darius the second one got bigger but I like it slightly less, it's a little more prescriptive, some of the plot threads don't really carry as well throughout, and it's less transparently an attempt to re-do anachronox as a sort of CRPG take on chrono trigger. it's still absolutely worth it though if you love the first, which I imagine you will

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