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Currently is experiencing the highest volume of traffic that has ever reached the infrastructure.

The service is partially degraded and I will be doing fast upgrades on the platform.

These can lead to partial downtime, errors and large delays in support requests.

Really sorry. Doing the best I can on my end. Hope you understand. Thanks.

Watts to the Wheels

@mastohost keep up the good work.
I just started my own instance ( to secure and stabilize the network.

The more instances, the more fedi the verse ;)


@mastohost you mean you didn't account for a mass influx of new friends from one of the largest social networks?!

You are crushing it with the unexpected curve balls coming your way! Keep up the good work.


@mastohost :iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu: :iluvu:


@mastohost you're doing a fantastic job, thank you so much for your service!


@mastohost hey no sweat. Silly dolls like me flooding in here from Twitter was bound to cause a few hiccups. I appreciate everything you’re doing. Thank you.


@mastohost thanks for all your hard work! Is there a way I can throw a couple extra bucks your way above my subscription?


@mastohost You are doing an absolutely *sterling* job in the face of the immense traffic storm created by Space Karen's destruction of the birdsite. Your hard work is most definitely appreciated.

Anthony Rabbit

@mastohost hang in there, we greatly appreciate your efforts. Probably going to get more hectic throughout the weekend as more users bail out of the Bird’s possible death spiral and arrive here.

Federated Photon Empress 🌸

For those on the instance, we use @mastohost and it looks like they are fighting some epic growth! Great problem to have, but means that our instance may not be super stable right now. Please allow a bit of time for everything to be sorted.


@mastohost we understand! Thanks for your hard work!


@mastohost dude, you're doing an amazing work. Thanks and keep up, if we can help just tell us how ✌️


@mastohost You're doing incredible! Don't forget to eat and sleep and such, please.


@mastohost thank you for your awesome support :)

Laurie MacBride

@mastohost Thanks to you and all at - really appreciate your efforts.


@mastohost You are doing an amazing job. It's a miracle things are holding.

Don't worry at all, we can endure some interruptions.

Jan Brown

@mastohost Thanks so much for all you're doing to help folks stay connected and engaged. Grateful to the volunteers who keep things happening over here.


@mastohost Hugo is the reason has stayed afloat during the chaos of the last few weeks.

Please spare a thought for him. When all this calms down there will be pints posted his way.

On behalf of the , thank you Hugo!

Ciarán Ferrie

@dregin @mastohost It's absolutely wild that there is one guy holding this whole thing together!

Kudos to Hugo aka Atlas

@dregin thank you so much :) appreciate it and the server has still not arrived 😖

Nilly Robot

@mastohost I saw the stats. You're doing unbelievably amazing work, especially considering how bananas this all is. Best of luck! Rooting for you! ❤


@mastohost you got this. Slow and steady. Don't forget you need mental and physical maintenance too! :dragon_heart:


@mastohost appreciate the work you So no worries, no one's gonna be upset.

Didier Chatenay

@mastohost Just a MastoAmount of MastoLove for your devotion to the community! You are doing a fantastic work for all of us!

Andrew Spoeth

@mastohost completely understandable; appreciate the update!

John Bergquist 🍥

@mastohost This is one of those 'good' problems to have.

Bob G

@mastohost we appreciate all of your effort and hard work!!

Oli De-Vine

@mastohost best wishes, you are doing very well. has been fantastically stable through all this expansion not to mention taking a version change during all of this! well done!

Arena Cops🇺🇦✌

@mastohost 😎👍👍👍 Keep cool & do what's possible!


@mastohost understandable. also, some software engineers currently looking for work


@mastohost We understand! 🐘 Thanks for doing what you do. If you need help just ask !


@mastohost We appreciate your efforts, keep up the good work! Your health comes first.


@mastohost seriously, what you do is basically magic and even wizards need to take naps

Bettie :autism: :sparkles_bi:

@mastohost of course we understand! Thank you for your hard work and don't forget to take care of yourself! :11111:

Lotl Love

@mastohost You're doing amazing. Thanks for taking care of us!

deb 🌻

No need to be sorry! You're amazing and so very appreciated!!


@mastohost nobody expects the twitter inquisition


@mastohost we got your back.

You've got this.

Hang in there


@mastohost legitimately, thank you for doing this admin work/hosting.


@mastohost Can we make a donation to you?

I'm waiting until I can set up an instance with you, would like to help in any way I can.

@laughingriver currently nothing set up for donations but thanks, appreciate it :)

Gödel Escher Spock

@mastohost Thanks for all of your time and attention during this stressful expansion

Keith Calder

@mastohost Appreciate everything you've been doing!

Paul Sutton


No problem, keep up the good work, I am sure everyone appreciates this at the current time.


@mastohost Thanks for all you do to keep us tooting 💖


@mastohost - what you are doing is wonderful. I run a Consultancy in Oxford, UK. We deal with all sorts of cloud based capacity management Shenanigans. If we can help give me a toot.

@dave_angel probably we could talk. How can we arrange that?

Kitty Murphy
@mastohost Of course we understand! Glad you are here.

@mastohost good luck with it all, will be worth it in the end 😊 👍

Morten Jacobsen

@mastohost I’m so glad you exist, and thankfully for to have a chance to continue microblogging!

Amᵃᵖanda 🌼

@mastohost you've been a great help and provider for the community.

Keep up the great work. 😁👍🫡


@mastohost Time for folks to chip in at Patreon

Katherine RN

@mastohost Thank you! You’re providing shelter from the storm even if the roof leaks a little bit!



i'm in awe at all the admins of instances and that things are working so well.

one of my metrics of "did you design well to scale up" is how well you survive the success disaster of 2 or more orders of magnitude unexpected/rapid growth.

mastodon is doing quite well, all things considered, by that metric.

POTSibilities Parents

@mastohost Thank you for providing a platform for us! We really appreciate everything you’re doing.


@mastohost It's no problem! The lagginess/slowness is to be expected. I think all of us can chill out while everything is fixed and spiffed up. 😀 👍🏻


@mastohost thank you for your hard work. Much appreciated.


@mastohost I’ll help you. Just set replicas: 1000 on you mastodon-deployment.yaml

Wendy Lady

@mastohost thank you for hosting us! No need to apologize. Twitter had a lot of quality people and they're looking for a new home. We'll be ready to work to make this place homey when you are.

Emma Knox

@mastohost You rock. With you all the way. 👊🤘

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