the lil streaming server that i've been working on with @prophet_goddess and @alys has reached ~minimum viable product~ status
(entirely arbitrary, determined by us)
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the lil streaming server that i've been working on with @prophet_goddess and @alys has reached ~minimum viable product~ status (entirely arbitrary, determined by us) check it out: 4 comments
@catalina @prophet_goddess @alys if I want to play around with it: would you recommend a dedicated box for this (and if so, how big) or is this the kind of thing that can perhaps run alongside a bunch of other (lightweight, not-Mastodon-level) services? I ask because if I do get it running I am guaranteed to make a documentation PR in the process @darius @prophet_goddess @alys i'm not super sure since i'm running it in k8s with separate containers for the application, postgres, and nginx-rtmp those could probably run together in one mid-size machine? soon though we'll be adding ffmpeg for re-encoding and i expect that will require a lot more resources (when enabled) |
@catalina @prophet_goddess @alys aww thanks for the runyourown shout out