Suddenly realizing that these two xkcd strips ran eight years apart. In the second one, the joke is that in 2009 this would be considered absurdly paranoid
RE: Suddenly realizing that these two xkcd strips ran eight years apart. In the second one, the joke is that in 2009 this would be considered absurdly paranoid 6 comments
@mcc There's a "what if?" in Randall Munroe's book thereof that asked if we could eradicate the Common cold by isolating from each other for a few weeks. @mcc A friend of ours did that to someone and Alexa actually ordered Royce candies. The homeowner-friend was incredibly confused until the next time we were over and figured it out. |
@mcc people thought around 2013 and 2015 i was being ridiuclous and now people are thinking im right. like......