And even as I write that, I realize that I'm also wrong.
The Medium is the Message is the first chapter in Understanding Media.
The Medium is the Massage is the followup.
Regardless, The Medium is the Massage is the pop-art version of Understanding Media, and one without the other is still silly.
And, ultimately, none of it matters.
Nothing the author says here is factually incorrect. It's a little reductionist, but it's not a scholarly work on the history of media theory, it's a quick survey of media theory before getting in to ideas about making media.
As a quick survey, summing up McLuhan as something like "yeah, the medium is the message, which means that the medium touches and transforms the message, which is why the book is called The Medium is the Massage" is fine.
There's enough meat there that anyone who cares can go dig in to the referenced texts in more detail, and there's enough actual summation there that most people don't need to go read McLuhan. That'll slow them down. They need to tell a story now, right now, using the tools on hand, regardless of the quality.
And, ultimately, none of it matters.
Nothing the author says here is factually incorrect. It's a little reductionist, but it's not a scholarly work on the history of media theory, it's a quick survey of media theory before getting in to ideas about making media.
As a quick survey, summing up McLuhan as something like "yeah, the medium is the message, which means that the medium touches and transforms the message, which is why the book is called The Medium is the Massage" is fine.