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wakest ⁂

really weird thing just happened: the internet at this cafe wouldn't load a number of different instances of mastodon: this one,, but it loaded and just fine. the error was something about io timeout but it wasn't an error I had seen before. anyone know what this might have been from? (seems to all be fine now but I would like to understand what was causing this for future me)


@liaizon that would happen if the connection to the server succeeded but one or two minutes pass before the server sends any data and closes the connection.

A number of things can cause it, but since it was selective about certain domains I suspect a man in the middle proxy.

M-x blackbox


I can only add more weirdness: This site sometimes does not load on some German ICE (express) trains. And it is very slow on Deutsche Telekom and certain fibre networks.

wakest ⁂

ok this is post solves the mystery

OVH was down!

cc'ing @zens @thor who answered with ideas of what it might be.


@liaizon @thor that makes sense, especially if that functioned behind a reverse proxy it would make me half right

pjd3 🇨🇦

@liaizon Perhaps they were using some sort of DNS filtering to block your requests from going through.

wakest ⁂

@pjd3 I posted an update in the responses to this post but it turned out OVH had 5 minutes of downtime and all of the ones I checked used OVH and affiliates for hosting.

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