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shout out to this graphic in the wikipedia page for axial tilt that makes it look like they're rating planets

Representations of the Earth, Uranus, and Venus, with a hand holding a thumb up pointing at the axis of rotation for each planet
35 comments | Expand all CWs

@pedromira I can’t believe they’re down voting Venus. When will the misogyny end?

Deathmaster Megalodon Ultrakill 9000

@pedromira oh right i forgot im the only person that turns their thumb 90 degrees when theyre giving something a thumbs down

rk: not a typewriter


The uh…the choice of how to orient a thumb for Uranus is uh…I mean. Huh.

Tito Swineflu

@pedromira It's always good to see the right-hand rule with respect to magnetic poles in action!


@pedromira Venus 0 out of 5 stars. Would not recommend.

antimu0n ex cohost

@pedromira the Galactic Emperor, deciding the fate of conquered worlds


@pedromira Can't say I disagree with the ranking either, the weather on venus sounds terrible

ENIGMATICO :heartbleed: Those angles are with respect to what? The plane tangent to the equator of the Sun? The normal of that plane? (Which is the Zenith of the Sun)

@pedromira if so I give venus two :thumbsupkonata: :thumbsup: because it's cool
Rain雨 :baba_rain::verifiedtrans: Thank you, its simple guides like this that allow me to quickly position to the correct angle before entering Uranus~ ​:menhera_peace:​

Ross of Ottawa

@pedromira Boo Venus. Go home, you're all cloudy and sweaty.


@pedromira now we need Hot or Not for the planets. Venus is a 10. Uranus is probably a 2. Earth is inching up to a 6

Sebastian Grässer

@pedromira I mean, the ratings seem accurate though. #Earth is pretty nice but could be better, Uranus is pretty but too cold and Venus is a smelly hellhole. I agree.


@pedromira I have an urge to straighten Earth up a bit, so it isn't wobbling around all the time.

Chrisshy Keygen

@pedromira hell yes! Finally someone had the guts to say what we've all been thinking. Venus sucks!

Mark T. Tomczak

@pedromira "FUCK VENUS. It knos what it did."

(Okay but fr though now I have to go look up why Venus is spinning backwards; that's surprising).

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