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Zeiros Lion

Just developing that robot character I made last night. Red Eye (preferred name, official designation unknown) is a former combat robot from some far flung war re-specced for civilian life. While his appearance is still fearsome, he has features that have been modified for his new role, including silicone body sheathing, expressive antennae, and a more advanced social programming.

#CharacterDesign #CharacterRef #Male #Robot #RedEye

Red Eye, a former combat robot repurposed for civilian life. Features include:

1) "Antennae act like animal ears for body language"
2) "Silicone soft body exterior"
3) "Hollowed body opened at joints"
4) "Male-presenting but no genitalia; developed need for modesty and likes to wear clothes"
Zeiros Lion

@gothpanda I think he'd be up for it. Just watch out for the pinch points.

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