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q3k :blobcatcoffee:

Belated holiday gift: a paper copy of the NEWAG S.A. vs. SPS/DS lawsuit in Gdańsk. 🥰

(The lawsuit was filed in September - that's the one we first heard about from social media before we even got any copy of it ourselves.)

An A4 copy box full of printer paper. The topmost sheet shows a court document.

@q3k who’s SPS/DS? your consulting firm or something?

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

@sam SPS is the workshop we worked with. DS is shorthand for Dragon Sector, which is a mental shorthand for me, Redford and MrTick :).

Daniel Kochmański

@q3k certainly looks like "shit shit shit, maybe we can bury it" kind of move :)

Phil M0OFX

@q3k I have no words. That looks like about 1500 pages, if that's a 5-ream box.

Fifteen hundred pages of petulance, stamping and screaming, written down on paper.


"Please consider the environment before printing this email"


@q3k Oooh, nice, they’ve got you a month’s worth of toilet paper supply!

elly (:neocat_phone: 3559@38C3)
@q3k @skrzyp Hey, at least those won't experience the secondary compressor failure

@q3k @skrzyp will those be part of an art project on the #39C3?

thebluemarble 🏳️‍🌈

@q3k Polish court system is responsible for most of the deforestation taking place in the Amazon and elsewhere


@q3k How was this not thrown out? Atleast in the US your lawyer could easily tell a judge the suit is ridiculous undue burden and needs to be at least refiled in a more refined state.

q3k :blobcatcoffee:

@Rin3d I won't comment on the legal action we're pursuing in regard to this case, but keep in mind this is only now when we've officially been served and have three months to respond.


@q3k well regardless of what y'all are pursuing I hope it gets thrown out and the judge rips into them for it.
This suit is ridiculous.
Best of luck.

Robert von Oliva
@q3k Are these pages printed on one side of a sheet of paper or duplex?
Jann Horn

@q3k who did the printing, newag's lawyers? also this makes me wonder how much law firms spend on printer maintenance


@q3k can we start measuring the newag case impact in trees cut down to contain all the bullshit paperwork? :neocat_woozy:

as a sidenote, semi-considering hanging out at the next court hearing. that’s on the 15th, right?

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