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:possum: Ibly 🏳️‍⚧️ θΔ
@vncresolver this is how i find out that's supposed to be a TV and not a microwave
Neko May

@vncresolver "Over 3 Billion Devices Run Java" is not an advertisement; it's a threat.

ananas ❄️

@vncresolver javascript people when they get rid of the "script" suffix and suddenly their UI doesn't take half the age of the universe to update anymore

Poppy (Back from tha dead) :neofox_flag_trans: Unrelated, but the tiny-ass trackpad in that laptop would hurt harder than being a GOP Congressman's wife ​:neofox_laugh_sweat:​

Григорий Клюшников

It only seems appropriate for me to write this comment from my Java ActivityPub server.

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