What's the difference between Photoshop and GIMP?
About $280 a year! 😂
and we use the complete Affinity Package for all of our pubishing stuff (except vellum for interiors). that's a one-time purchase that's really nice, with new versions every few years to buy, with occasional sales. @nixCraft Gimp does not force you to surrender your privacy to Microsoft or Apple. And you can read the documentation without internet connection. @nixCraft @nixCraft given that you pay to an asshole company instead of pirating, that's what they deserve @nixCraft @nixCraft while I use gimp I have to admit that many features are not there. Ex. the whole CMYK professional printing pipeline (colour profiles, offset, channels management, etc ) is missing. |
@nixCraft more realistically... dunno what the stance of gimp on llm's is...
on the other hand, for the stuff im doing, gimp might even be overkill...