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@micr0 A snippet of code shows a dark-grey background with lines of text. The top line says specialp {, in purple, light-grey, and white. Below that, color: blue is written, with color in light-grey and blue in orange. The next line shows font|, with font in light-grey and a light-blue vertical bar. Finally, a grey box contains the word "Fortnite" in bold white font. The last visible line starts with img.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Caroline Bell :verified_trans:

A CSS text block selecting the "specialp" tag.
The first line sets the color attribute to blue, but without an ending semi-colon.
The second line appears to be attempting to set the font attribute, but the suggested text completion is "Fortnite"

Another block begins at the bottom, selecting the "img" tag.


@Aaron_Davis i have never played it

i am on linux i cant even physically play it lol


@micr0 @Aaron_Davis The completion AI or whatever supports the function is asking you to try the game. You can play it in a browser through a cloud gaming service---the two most famous cloud gaming services have it.

leberschnitzel :ha:

@micr0 are you sure it's not? Looks like a new mode for fortnite to me!

Willow "Wolveric" Catkin

@micr0 And Marquess Brownlee... :neocat_googly_woozy:

@micr0 why did you ever write fortnite in your code base?