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Alright fedi, just got back from the Nix Store, ended up buying /etc/

An extremely long receipt, starting with "Nix Store", "Everyone's favorite package store", "You were looking for: /etc/", "Your closure today:",

Then the entire NixOS path closure for that flake output, totaling 5930 store paths
Sharkgirl Transpiring

@Infinidoge okay, someone really should have put in some sort of guardrail like “don’t print the entire roll of receipt paper!?!”


@JoscelynTransient The receipt printer was doing merely exactly as it was told, guard rails are an exercise left up to the developer :)

That said, this was only like 1/3rd of the roll max. If you want a whole roll printed at once I'd have to post the time I printed Bad Apple on a receipt


@tarneo The receipt printer has been worth every penny, and it has done absolutely nothing serious since the day I got it. We'll see if I infect another with the joys of eBay receipt printers :blobfoxgooglymlem:

James 🌈💜

@Infinidoge @tarneo

The only thing that stops me is the BPA argument stuff that always goes back and forth. But I do want one...


@shaknais @Infinidoge This Tuesday I actually printed a list of all my music favorites and playlists just to have a paper backup. I do things like this every once in a while, the only issue is I'm using a 1982 sharp CE-125 that prints one line in two or three seconds (thankfully controlled by an arduino). I have also printed 2fa codes and little papers with my email address for when I take photographs at events.


@shaknais @Infinidoge So printing the entire nix store would take absolute ages for me, and the printer really is not silent...


@tarneo @shaknais Yeah the entire nix store would definitely be something. The receipt printer would definitely make it shockingly quick though, probably up to half an hour if you have a giant Nix store. Aside, it's pretty neat that you print your music out to have a backup, I just backup my Jellyfin and hope all of my data doesn't get destroyed at once lol


@Infinidoge @shaknais I actually do it the other way around too: every last day of the month, I take pictures of my (paper) daily journal to have it backed up too. This way hackers and fire would have to unite if they really wanted me to lose my stuff :-)
I basically trust neither my computers nor my paper


@Infinidoge @shaknais And I still have the project of making a selection of my pictures since I've started taking them (3 years ago) and printing them. In the meantime I have them backed up on cold storage (oh, and tape too actually !)


@tarneo @shaknais My handwriting is abysmal so I never manage to keep a physical journal for long, and even then I can't read it back later lmao

Very neat though! I trust my computers a lot more than the average person it seems. Especially since I got backups. Treat the machine spirits well and they reward you with more computer mana


@Infinidoge @tarneo Consider me infected! I want a receipt printer now :)


@alanxoc3 @tarneo It spreads :)

My friend infected me (she bought 3 lmao), and so I pass it on to others


@alanxoc3 @Infinidoge Fedi nerds will soon represent the majority of the thermal printing market


@tarneo @alanxoc3 Unfortunely the number of fedi nerds is smaller than the number of businesses

With your help we can change that

Iced Meu

@Infinidoge haha, cool /etc/nixos/ Did you get it at the nix store?


@Infinidoge I'm like a young child at the dinner table laughing because I know a really funny joke was made but I haven't a scooby-doo what the joke actually is. (no need to explain. It's an essential stage in the learning)



Nix is a package manager, which installs all software to a big library called the Nix Store, at /nix/store. The closure is a package and every other package it needs. So the receipt is me going to the Nix store, getting a single thing, and seeing the giant list of everything else it depends on :)
(In this case everything to setup my Framework laptop)

That and receipt printers are so much more fun to own than anyone would expect


@ampersine nixos-receipt switch --flake /etc/nixos#...

Tbh that would actually be pretty reasonable if I can make it print the closure diff. Idea for later.

Anthony Sorace

@DelilahTech @Infinidoge Also came here for the CVS angle. Those are ridiculous.


@Infinidoge ahhh, the smell of a minimalist distro...


@dragoniff2 I'm optimizing for something, not quite sure what yet. Certainly not least time spent tinkering.

Jennifer! 💛

@Infinidoge wtf is this LMAOOOOO
I need more of it on my timeline :3


@yellow I think I can manage to print more receipts :)
(After I cut out any personal details I'm absolutely showing off the Bad Apple receipt. That took an age to print compared to this.)

If you have any silly ideas feel free to send them my way, I'll be messing with it more after finals week (and probably during finals week, we'll see) :)

Luna Lactea

@Infinidoge This is worse than CVS. I'm never going to shop here.


@jackemled On my way to leave a continuous trail of receipt all the way to your house


@Infinidoge This reminds me of when I worked as student helper as the computer lab in college and the ones in BASIC were learning to send print jobs.


@Infinidoge hmmm my closure is only around 2.8k. Guess I’m minimalist then


@Infinidoge you can manage your package preventing from damage while shipping with only a few ones of these

Alveus Nosville

@Infinidoge I love thermal printers. Zero reason in particular, I just do.


@nosville22 They print so fast it's amazing. I can print >20 sharks per minute

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