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handmade ghost

Something warm to cup in your hands on a cold winter's day. #borb

Photo of a very, very round, grey, almost furry-looking bird with a small head, white eyering, and tiny black needle point of a bill. This softie of a bird--a "Townsend's" solitaire--is sitting on a hairy- or almost thorny-looking mass of mahogany--just a little peak of dark, reddish brown that looks a lot like a tangled bunch of grapes stems denuded of their grapes. The solitaire is floomfed up in the cold, grey winter air, a perfect croquet ball of soft, feathery grey, and looking up and off to eir right as though waiting for something. The white ring around eir tiny black eye gives em an adorably cartoony look. E is the epitome of borb.
Stéphanie Pageau

@handmade_ghost FLUFFY. Oh I love winter birds. They make me so happy

Stéphanie Pageau

@handmade_ghost I just looked through the window downstairs and a fluffy house finch was in the seed catcher (still completely full of snow!!) looking for seeds. Sooo cute

handmade ghost

@stephanie oh my goodness--I love watching them hopping in and rooting around in the snow. 🥹


Not a bird I know, or not off the top of my head anyhow. Where, please?

laen (lily's new name)

@handmade_ghost oh that is ... a bird's head. on. something roumb and soft. that is ... BORB.


@moonrabbit @handmade_ghost

[in my falsetto voice, reserved mostly for sad children] but I would not cup heem in my hands for he is a Wyld Thing. I would encourage heem to enjoy his downy feathers for I wish I had a few million of them for staying warm.

handmade ghost

@moonrabbit ready for the tiniest finger stroking and head pats

laen (lily's new name)

@handmade_ghost and an open hand in which it can nestle, if it is cold :bunhdlurkaww:

Lisa 🦔

@handmade_ghost is a very fancy makeup powder applicator!

Lydia Schoch

@handmade_ghost @dillyd I’d never actually touch a wild animal, but I want to cup this one in my hands. So fluffy and soft looking.

handmade ghost

@lydiaschoch @dillyd Same--this one is so particularly inviting. E also makes a very sweet, lonely, lilting call that sort of lights up the woods.



that is the floofies ball I've seen so far 😍

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