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Maggie Maybe

@leberschnitzel @IngridHbn I want this to be real so badly but I suspect it’s some kind of AI stuff

Clara (Hobo arc) 🍉💕🌈

@leberschnitzel @maggiejk Yep, some of the rocks themselves seem to be too heavy to be used to build that house. I thought it was just 'shopped until I remember that the scourge of the century could do a less tedious job.😮‍💨

Rachel Rawlings

@IngridHbn Oh squeee! This is the best use of formstone that has ever existed.


Oh, dang. It doesn't exist.

An instragram page from Hong Kong's "U Magazine" showing multiple images of houses and walkways with stones shaped and painted to look like cats' faces. 

The text reads 


#貓 #貓咪 #貓奴 #貓貓 #貓星人
圖片來源:Knowledge Is Power

(see next image for English translation)
Google translate rendering the Chinese text from the previous image into English:
What is your dream home for cat lovers? Earlier, a netizen shared a series of photos of the "Painted Cat Village". The exterior walls of the huts in the photos were covered with cat patterns, with different shapes and movements. In addition, the underground stone bricks are painted with various cat expressions, which is quite incongruous.

However, it turns out that these photos are AI-generated photos. I wonder if someone can make this cat’s dream home come true in the future?

#Cat #Cat #CatSlave #CatCat #CatStar
Image source: Knowledge Is Power
Ray Gulick 💗🌛 ⭐️ 🍀

I would live in that house, and I'm not even a cat person.


@IngridHbn I think it needs to be said. We all want to bite the house or is it a crazy impulse I'm having?

Mx. Luna Corbden

@Amimoregore @IngridHbn Seems possible to make IRL if you merged some stones together with mortar, smoothed it, then painted. Some of the cats would look more wobbly; you'd be at the mercy of the stone shapes.

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