Welp, I installed Uptime Kuma - github.com/louislam/uptime-kum on a raspberry pi a few years back, and it's been dutifully chugging away like the little champ that it is notifying me whenever my network devices see downtime.



I'd lost it :) I forgot which IP I'd planted it on, and back then I didn't have anywhere near the stalwart process and bookkeeping I do now.
(I record every local IP I allocate in an @obsidian note, and also install @tailscale on just about every VM I run so I don't need to care :)


The case I bought at the time has the most HORRIBLE little fan. I'm sure it's cached with dust so it's getting NOISY.

I managed to find its IP using my Unifi network client list (It was listed as Ubuntu. Whatever :) and can access its web UI but have forgotten the root password and back then I was REALLY slapdash about ssh keys.

It's actually kind of nice when you can look back on one of your first #selfhosting projects and think "Wow, I've gotten a LOT better at this!" :)

Now I just need to figure out whether to keep the pi and find some way to silence that egregiously noisy fan (It runs VERY cool so I might just disconnect the fan. If it fries itself, it fries itself. It doesn't owe me anything :) or whether I'm willing to lose the separate, isolated hardware for my uptime monitoring, which I know is advantageous in production ,but do I ACTUALLY care for my homelab? :)

Adventures in formerly slaapdash #selfhosting :)