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Jeri Dansky

“Spain will legalise about 300,000 undocumented immigrants per year over the next three years as it seeks to expand its labour force in the face of an ageing population, Migration Minister Elma Saiz told reporters.”

“’Spain has to opt between being an open, prosperous country or being a closed and poor one, and we have chosen the former,’ Saiz said.”

"Spain's economy is the fastest-growing in the EU."

#immigration #Spain

Evan Light

@jeridansky @janl This is what we need and have needed in the US. Instead we're headed toward the exact opposite: violent dehumanization. There are other words for that.


@jeridansky With a youth unemployment rate at 27% Spain will need to do a great deal more to have itself seen as "open" and even more to have itself seen as a place of opportunity for ec. welfare betterment.



He's going to deport 11 million,
of them?



We better start buying our Veggies & Fruit from them.....cause there is not going to be any one to pick ours.....
One more nail ole Donny is nailing in the Coffin of the American economy
And when we do get our Veggies & Fruits from Spain there will be a 10-60% tariff
Seems that Spain might Get a Few Americans moving in the Exodus Begins......Bye Bye Trump, Trumpite GOP Republicans



just one more reason I love Spain.


@jeridansky all of the western world needs to do this. They’re just delaying the inevitable since it’s politically beneficial in the short term to be anti immigration.


@BettyCanRip @jeridansky it isn't even beneficial political short term. The only party that wins is the extreme right all other parties will lose.

It's plain old racism

AriSunDog, Spooky Version!

@jeridansky Hmmmmm.... (quietly puts Spain on the emigration short list)


@jeridansky Sadly, Berlin chose differently, at the behest of (among others) Axel Springer SE.

Xabier Giles

@jeridansky Hay una frase en español que dice: Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho.
El actual gobierno no tiene mayoría absoluta y no es fácil que cumpla la legislatura y si hay elecciones anticipadas es probable que la derecha y extrema derecha ganen las elecciones por lo que la regulación quedaría en nada. Esta regulación la podría haber realizado en la legislatura pasada donde si tenia mayoría gracias al partido Unidas Podemos.

Xabier Giles

@jeridansky La reforma de la ley de extranjería, un "avance" que deja tareas pendientes sobre la regularización de migrantes
El Gobierno quiere agilizar procesos como el "arraigo" por motivos laborales, familiares o educativos. "La ILP es importante para llegar a las personas que van a quedar fuera de esta reforma", señalan desde RegularizaciónYA.

Xabier Giles

@jeridansky Si en algo se caracteriza el Presidente Pedro Sánchez y su gobierno es que son muy mentirosos.

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