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Marcos Dione

This is an experiment. Please boost.

Here's the idea: This post is going first to my followers, then, if they boost it, to other people. This domain has been registered for only this experiment. I should see in my web server's logs when mastodon instances start crawling the site for info. Then maybe also some curious humans.

I just want to play with my monitoring a bit :)

Gabriel De Luca

I prefer not to open the link, just to not pollute the logs :-)

Marcos Dione

@caprieldeluca I can in fact differentiate a crawler from a human. Or so I should :)

Marcos Dione

@djh the only thing I will have for a while is some IPs. `logrotate` will get rid of them in some 15 days. I'll just play with prometheus and grafana tonight :)

Marcos Dione

@djh OK, I also get referers/referrers/referees :-P

lohikäärmekettu Sophie :therian:

@mdione it told I'm either a crawler or human - but I'm a dragonfox :<

(share statistics? :3)

Marcos Dione

@marcel yes, although they don't seem to be _that_ interesting...

fbievan (Powered by Polymaths)

@mdione @franskeijer yeah, because ddns is subdomain... I would expect some blacklists to do this tbh

Marcos Dione

@fbievan @franskeijer I didn't know/remember that DynDNS domains were badly regarded nowadays. My home sever was running on one for 10 years between 2003 and ~2012.

fbievan (Powered by Polymaths)

@mdione @franskeijer I dont even think they are, I just think organizations are going a bit loony with filters tbh.


@mdione Sure!
Seen from Mastodon NL

Would love to learn about the results when the experiment is over

Marcos Dione

OK, it's bedtime. Will do some numbers tomorrow :)


@mdione replying cause an interested in said numbers if you intend to post them 🌟


@mdione I have GotoSocial, not Mastodon, though…

Marcos Dione

@mirabilos yeah, corrected to 'fediverse'. I have seen things I didn't even heard about.



Does it work if we're only boosting or do we need to open the link?

Marcos Dione

@oxytocinated boosting, mostly, but peeking doesn't hurt :)



okay, I wasn't sure.
Thanks for clarifying

bituur esztreym

one curious human here - just saw the index.html (clicked a 2nd time to check if index page's name) (for your numbers'exactitude) `w;7[)


@mdione did you see the similar experiment I did a couple of years ago..

Marcos Dione

@keefmarshall not sure if I want to read it before I do my own take :)

Mike McCaffrey

@mdione Lack of SSL/TLS support might keep done systems from connecting.

Marcos Dione

@mikemccaffrey yeah, didn't think that through. I should have prepared better, but again, I didn't expect ... this :)

Marcos Dione

@futurebird just my home server, nothing nefarious :) But more seriously, I wanted a better description of the 'thundering herd'¹ that popular accounts sometimes complain about. Also, see how well the tools I have handle this for monitoring. I already know that Prometheus is not made for this.

¹ yes, I know I'm not using the term properly :)


@mdione I'm curious, why isn't Prometheus suitable?

Marcos Dione

@viq short version: if you don't configure your log exporter correctly and you add the URL or referrer to the labels the cardinality of the metrics explode. Is not that it won't handle it, but your instance would have to be properly sized for this, and you might want to duplicate the metrics for querying them when you don't care about those labels.

Also, prom can't reveal other info like geoip or visit duration like other tools do.

Amber Misskey instances will have user agent containing "summaly bot" (i don't remember the exact string sorry)

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

@mdione @rpmik nice. Maybe edit the post later with findings so those who boosted it will get the notification?

Marcos Dione

@User47 @rpmik hmmm. I said I will, but should I? 1.4k messages.... sounds like a lot. Is it fine?

Yeah, it's fine. I will!


Clicked the link, but no boost... hey, I like mixing up the data for you <grin>

Jons Mostovojs

@mdione will there be some visualisation over classical music?

Marcos Dione

@jonn hmmm, I don't think I'll do that level of production. My writeups are pretty spartan, and lately I've even used automatic transcription of audios I dictate to my phone, which sounds more advanced, but it just saves me typing (but not editing) time.

Alan Langford

@mdione If you wind up with a good list of user agents, please share. I'll send a DM to explain why.

Christoffer S.

You and me both. I'm a terrible and weak human.

Marcos Dione

@nopatience @Tarrenvane the page doesn't say weak, says curious, and that's healthy :)

Christoffer S.

I click all the links. It's what internet was made for ;)

Marcos Dione

@BlippyTheWonderSlug it should be your browser's default text, the page has 3 attrbibute-less tags, `html`, `body` and `p`. No CSS, no JS, nothing. Granted, it's not 100% up to spec, but should be handled just fine by browsers.

Blippy the Wonder Slug 🇩🇪

Dunno how, then. I was under the assumption my default was 10pt Arial. I could be mistaken on that; technical German is hard.

TBF, if I tip the Handy to landscape mode, the point size does go up.

Screenshot of the page in question on my Handy. I haven't tried with Tablet or Laptop.
Joris Meys

@mdione healthily curious human it is. Although, I did ignore a warning about an unsafe connection. :)

Marcos Dione

@JorisMeys right. This will make musing about real life traffic impact more difficult (having to add CPU usage and response time). I was lazy and didn't set up Let's Encrypt on the new domain, but honestly I didn't expect this to be this 'popular' (1.4k and counting).

Jo Hawkins

@mdione will you be creating a graph for distribution over time or a tree of distribution?

Jo Hawkins

@mdione sorry meant to say tree diagram of the distribution path something like this but with the instance’s being the branching points

Example of a tree diagram 

A diagram illustrating sentence structure and grammatical elements for two sentences: "Risa bought a blue watch" and "He went to the market yesterday." The diagram includes labels for noun phrases (NP), verb phrases (VP), determiners (Det), adjectives

@mdione Always happy to help people with producing pretty graphs. 😁


@mdione bookmarking this and hope you’ll reply later with a write-up on what you learned.

Marcos Dione

@mborus many people has asked for this, so I'll just do an edit of the original toot and every body will get the update :)


@mdione I'd be curious to see the total amount of servers it reached, and if possible what kind of software they all use. Could be interesting to compare the numbers to and see if they somewhat match.

Erik van Straten

@mdione :

0) The domain name in your toot suggests that you're trying to DDoS Mastodon. Go away.

1) You've posted an http link. Even if that does not pose a big risk, it is stupid.

2) Your site is insufficiently secure:

3) The domain name sucks ( My generic advice: do not visit subdomains if asked for by people you do not personally know. Chances are huge that you'll run into a scam website.

4) Chain letters have already been extensively researched.

Either you have criminal intents or you are not a *scientific* researcher.

Perhaps you should read about Samy Kamkar's story.

@ionica : you may want to unboost this junk.

#ChainLetter #DontBoost

@mdione :

0) The domain name in your toot suggests that you're trying to DDoS Mastodon. Go away.

1) You've posted an http link. Even if that does not pose a big risk, it is stupid.

2) Your site is insufficiently secure:

3) The domain name sucks ( My generic advice: do not visit subdomains if asked for by people you do not personally know. Chances are huge that you'll run into a scam website.

Tapping longer on the link opens a dialogbox, revealing the actual link underneath:

Marcos Dione

@ErikvanStraten @ionica it's a very poorly devised project that went out of hand.

Marcos Dione

@Morpurgo the server does not have a proper certificate for the domain. I mentioned it earlier, the domain is new for this experiment.


@mdione would be great to see what you discover. bookmarking to check back later

Marcos Dione

@ruurd @jwildeboer read some of the other answers: I'm lazy :-P

TBH I wouldn't know what to put there. And I have some many other projects floating around that it would be like really low priority :)

Angela Scholder

@mdione You obviously wanted the click, so I obliged......

Mary Hilton

@mdione I'm not a follower of yours so it might not reflect properly in the numbers.
The post goes in the general 'home' column for me
Hope this helps you.

Marcos Dione

@fmhilton TBH initially I didn't care about the distinction, I was just explaining how this works. Looking at the logs it seems like some of my assumptions were wrong, but I really didn't have time to really look at them.


@mdione Please share a link to the results in a comment on this post so we can find it.

Chris Marquardt

@mdione will you update this post to share results?

Marcos Dione

I know I promised a post with the technical details but first I wanted to write some meta discussion. I have the draft with everything I want to say, now it's editing time. Tomorrow, I promise. Due to other constraints, the technical writing will have to wait a few more days. Sorry for the inconvinience.


@mdione Any ETA on the results? The boosts seem to have stabilized since I checked yesterday.

Marcos Dione

OK. I finished editing the meta post. As said elsewhere, I'm a single parent this week/weekend, so the technical post will have to wait a few more days.

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