I was looking for a word like Tollkühn, which is somewhere between overconfidence and recklessness, but in this context "toll" is something that is exaggerated (like Tollwut is exaggerated rage, i.e. rabies) and "kühn" is something like bold (not keen). And I learned that such a word exists in English: overbold!
@alex fwiw, I've never heard that word used, though I would understand it in context.
Compared to a few synonyms: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=reckless%2Coverbold%2Cnegligent%2Cheedless%2Coverconfident&year_start=1800&year_end=2022&corpus=en&smoothing=3
I think "heedless" is the closest I can come up with as a regularly used word