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Corey S Powell

Taking a break from awful things:

Scientists taught rats to drive cars. The rats quickly learned to rev the engine and take longer routes just for fun.

Bonus: Watch the researcher do a little happy leap when the rat gets into the car. #science #tech


@jailandrade @coreyspowell

A rat has superior cognitive and reasoning powers than those who vot... ahh what the hell, you know where I am going with this.

Joe Pasqua

@coreyspowell Great! Now I have to worry about AGI and super-intelligent rodents. ;-)

Full Metal Archaeopteryx

Funny thing is, they're still better drivers than the Tesla autopilot...

Fluffgar - Chaotic-Creative

@DelilahTech I mean, aye. I'd probably trust a rat chauffeur over a computer one. Has a sense of self-preservation for one thing.

Mark Shane Hayden

@coreyspowell pah! These are amateur Rat Researchers everyone knows @mwl is the foremost fedi expert on Motorised Rat Conveyance.


@coreyspowell I love how the scientist does a little happy dance when the rat starts to drive

Kit Rhett Aultman

@coreyspowell They say do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Clearly this person is the proof.

valoisa kvarkkitehti

@coreyspowell The rat taught the researcher to enjoy life 😁

Arthur van der Harg

@coreyspowell I wonder what would happen if their environment degraded if they chose to drive instead of walking. Take away a toy. Turn down the temperature. Remove nesting material. Give less food. Would they choose to walk? Would rats try to keep others from driving? Are rats smarter than humans?

Petra van Cronenburg

@coreyspowell next step: Scientist untrains humans to use cars. 😁

millennial falcon

@coreyspowell makes a nice break from torturing and incinerating them I suppose.

Rock'n'Roll_φapy 🔻

Fantastique bond de la science et de la connaissance...

GroßStadtPflanze :verified:💉⁷

@coreyspowell Das haben wir Menschen den Ratten voraus: Die Schwänze (Umgangssprachlich für Penis) von Autofahrern sind viel zu kurz, als dass die Gefahr bestünde, dass die da gegenseitig drüberfahren …

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