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Michael Downey 🚩

Software Freedom @conservancy: "Open Source AI Definition Erodes the Meaning of 'Open Source'"

"With this announcement, we have reached the moment that software freedom advocates have feared for decades: the definition of “open source” — with which OSI was entrusted — now differs in significant ways from the views of most software freedom advocates."

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #OpenSourceAI #AI #OSI #OSAID

Rachel Rawlings

@downey @conservancy I was at the first OSCon when Tim O'Reilly explained--not in these exact words--that the term "Open Source" was invented to be more business-friendly than "Free/Libre Software" so it doesn't surprise me to see it watered down further.

Michael Downey 🚩

@LinuxAndYarn I agree it's not particularly surprising, but it is still disappointing. I resigned as "individual (non-voting) member #3" some years ago as it had become evident to me the corporate capture prevailing over the stated values and mission.

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@downey @conservancy

" The concept was explored and discussed publicly (under the moniker “Free Software”) for decades before it was officially “defined”. The OSI announced itself as the “marketing department for Free Software” "

Much as it saddens me, I think the first step in this road was that initial announcement calling itself the marketing department for Free Software.

I always considered the OSI as custodians of the OSI definition. How naive of me.


Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@downey @conservancy So we should not really be surprised that @osi are pushing this non open definition.

I refuse the argument that means the existing applications/platforms couldn't be certified as open.

If any part of them aren't available for us to study, share, modify, redistribute or the other parts of the definition, it should not be considered open. This is where we should draw the line. I'm honestly disappointed in the OSI. They are eroding the definition.

Michael Downey 🚩

@onepict The only thing that makes OSI de facto stewards of anything is the community legitimacy they used to have.

Preston Maness ☭

@downey @conservancy I wonder if anybody, or any org, predicted this a few decades ago... "Subtle foreshadowing" and all...

I know RMS is anathema/persona-non-grata. However, his early writing on these matters (Free Software, Free Society), and his essay "Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software," made it clear that this was the eventual outcome of the Free Software/Open Source schism.

Larry Garfield

@aspensmonster @downey @conservancy It really sucks living in a world where RMS is right about almost everything...

Larry Garfield

@downey @conservancy I've met Brad Kuhn before. I fully support him in this position, and if I had a vote would support his candidacy for the OSI board.

I'm half tempted to join OSI just so I can vote for him.

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