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Jeff Triplett

If you need an idea or nudge, feel free to reach out.

Many of you write about cool things here, but they never make it to an article, even though you are still doing 99% of the work.

Me: "This is great, please blog about it, so I can share it more easily."

David Beazley

@webology My problem is that despite having many things I could write about, I'm too burned out by the state of things to put any words down. Sigh.

Jeff Triplett

@dabeaz I'm sorry. I totally get that feeling.

Not that you are looking for ideas or need ideas, but I always liked your music posts and about joining your city band (apologies if I'm getting the terms wrong.)

Pre-pandemic, I took three or four sessions of Ukulele lessons through our local parks and rec center. It was fun and it was a very enthusiastic crowd (over my fun level) but it reminded me of playing in school and college (non-string instruments)

Jeff Triplett

@dabeaz I love that it turns my brain off in an interesting way that requires a lot of concentration too. I don't know many things that aren't exercise that can do that to me.

David Beazley

@webology Do you think anyone wants to hear me talk about weird stuff like musings about trombone playing? I dunno. Maybe.


@dabeaz @webology I like your biking posts, the band ones were interesting because I didn’t know band like that existed

David Beazley

@jmatthew @webology I must admit that the whole Twitter implosion made me back off of social media a LOT and turn more inwards. You might be right--more about biking and bands and stuff.

Tim Schilling

@webology side note, better simple remains untainted by frivolous annotations such as my name.

Jeff Triplett

@hugovk Publishing, the diff is brilliant too. I'm not sure why I hadn't thought of doing that in several of my posts.

See? Yet another reason to blog and share.

Hugo van Kemenade

@webology Yeah, diffs are especially good with syntax highlighting.

Liminal witch πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Sarah

@webology or they can leave all those typos in as a proof they are human/romulan/non-artificial

Jeff Triplett

@xgebi exactly that. Who has time when we are trying to keep up with your prolific pace?

Liminal witch πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Sarah

@webology my prolific pace? Compared to marathoners like @Edent, I'm a sprinter who takes months long breaks 😁

Shane Rogers

@webology Absolutely!

I write mainly for an audience of one, "future me". I write to make an attempt to unwind. I write to vent my frustration.

I don't even spell check or edit or any of that. No drafts. Just word vomit. It probably shows.

Most of my writing is done on Zettel Notes via my phone then pushed to GitHub. Some is via emacs, but not as much.


@webology I'm trying... Almost everything I share goes through my blog. πŸ‘

Andy Miller

@webology I have learnt so much of this, through my blog posts this year.

Some form of micro-blog really does hack the brain to not require a huge chunk of time which is difficult to make time for, 15 minutes is all you need.

Markus πŸ€“βœ¨

@webology @simon I think I may have beaten the odds by both writing articles AND I wrote my own blogging platform. :D

Jeff Triplett

@markus @simon I did too, but I suspect it's from not saying much for a few decades. 😬

Tixie Salander

@webology i literally nothing to say. Not thete is nothing to say, but the i don’t feel like writing anything would 1) be pleasant moment moment for me 2) would constitute something useful for the world.
So yeah nope

Thank you

I always postpone publishing: "not well written enough", "that idea isn't clear", "I should research more"
I have drafts of blog articles
I have drafts of social media posts I prevented myself from posting thinking "this should be a blog post" and never done it

I will
I need to promise myself I will
Thank you

I always postpone publishing: "not well written enough", "that idea isn't clear", "I should research more"

@webology Thanks for the nudge.
I took a frustration-post and published it. That helped me discover missing content in a related bit, which I put back in.

For a subsequent trick, I'll make that site a little less awful to look at.

Bob Monsour

@webology Great timing, I just started a microblog on my site so I would feel more comfortable writing shorter things than those found on my main blog. I did mine in a subdir instead of a subdomain.

Adam Millerchip

@webology "Write and publish before you write your own static site generator or perfect blogging platform"

Guilty (for the past 10 years)

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