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Mac Mini (5.25") vs Mac Mini 2024 (3.5")

A photo of the old style Mac mini with its wide 5.25 inch floppy drive.
A photo of the new M4 Mac mini with its modern 3.5 inch floppy drive.
Chris Vest

@JennyFluff @NanoRaptor A very popular device, despite the eject button being on the underside of the machine.

JennyFluff :heart_trans:

@chrisvest @NanoRaptor software eject & the emergency eject hole on the bottom can only be used with a proprietary iPaperclip

me·ta·phil, der

@chrisvest yes yes but why on earth would you want to eject one of our beautiful discs in the first place?
@JennyFluff @NanoRaptor

JennyFluff :heart_trans:

@metaphil @chrisvest @NanoRaptor at some point you just want to hold them and admire their pretty translucent cases and cool engineering

Chris Vest

@metaphil @JennyFluff @NanoRaptor the System 7.5 install MiniDisc could be flipped and had music on the b-side that you could play with QuickTime


@JennyFluff @NanoRaptor and would that be a MacMini that can read (min)disks, or an Mac branded minidisc?


@NanoRaptor they took the floppy drive off years ago so they could sell you icloud

Mx. Eddie R

Porting MacPuke to M4 was one of humanity's greatest accomplishments.

Chuck Jordan

@kithrup @NanoRaptor These are the Mac *mini*. Remember they only used Jaz drives.

Boris Kretzinger

@NanoRaptor Oh if only the 5,25" floppy one was real 🤩


@NanoRaptor Nonsense - the drive slot would need to be on the bottom side of the device.

Alex Willmer

@NanoRaptor the 2024 model has a disquieting "Feed me Seymour!" look to it.

Alex Helvetica 🏳️‍⚧️

@NanoRaptor "Dana no... It's super cute I want one"

"I'm surprised it wasn't a super drive based pun".

flaeky pancako

@NanoRaptor second one looks like it wants to kiss something !


@NanoRaptor Ahh, so this is the Apple IIgs based alternate reality, is it?


Are the power supplies getting bigger though?@NanoRaptor

wohali 💯

@clew @NanoRaptor It's not that the power supplies got bigger, it's the pictures that got smaller! 😎

europlus :autisminf:

@NanoRaptor I would love to gut a “wide” Mac mini or AirPort Extreme/Time Capsule and put in a half height floppy drive and #ApplesauceFDC guts for the ultimate 5¼" imaging unit!

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@NanoRaptor the 5.25" one in particular looks juuuuust a little like something out of a Cronenberg film

aburka 🫣

@NanoRaptor naturally the button to eject the disk is on the bottom of the machine

Greg Parker

@aburka @NanoRaptor Macs don't have an eject button. The power button was moved to the bottom because users kept pressing it mistakenly thinking it was an eject button.

P J Evans

I have a couple of 2TB USB solid-state drives. I'm still boggled.


@NanoRaptor Not a Mac person, and here I was thinking 3.5" = 1.44kb

Kiran Jonnalagadda

@NanoRaptor If memory serves me right, 5¼" drives had a gate that needed to be manually closed, while 3½" drives had a physical eject button.

Michael Baudis

@NanoRaptor You have to push the paperclip into a hole at the underside.

Dane Deasy

@NanoRaptor what’s the blue box in the back right?

James White

@NanoRaptor in a way that I can’t quite explain, the new one looks a bit rude.

Christian Gudrian

@NanoRaptor I’ve always favoured ALPS drives over Mitsumi. Good choice, Apple!


@iotar @NanoRaptor 😂 Just imagine what will happen, if you eject a cassette.


@bitnacht @iotar @NanoRaptor that would be 1.99 fee pur ejection and of course each cassette has DRM and so that it can only be played back on that device ;)

Kenny Park

@iotar As a C64 kid, these are giving me feels. Stuck with the crap tape deck by default, the floppy drive was a prohibitively expensive but much desired peripheral. (Finally got a 1541 mk2, well after I should have just ponied up for an Amiga.)

Bernd Kilga

@iotar Perfect, except for the hardware eject button. :)


@iotar @NanoRaptor

Headphone jack not on the bottom? Looks like a design oversight. :blobcatgiggle:


@iotar @NanoRaptor I believe they got as far as pre-production to ship these with the Apple ][ when they realized they'd put the wrong color logo on the player and had to abandon it.


@iotar @NanoRaptor sigh I wish they still made the one that had two tape decks. and now there's not even a phono input either


@iotar @NanoRaptor makes me think of the commodor PETs we had in my elementary school. An Apple PET wouldn’t be the worst idea, especially after the pivot to music adds features for making mixtapes


@iotar @NanoRaptor oh, I forgot about the Apple Records thing, barring Apple Computer from using “Apple” branding on new models because the Apple ][ was too musical. No wonder the Apple PET was canceled


@iotar @NanoRaptor if thus were an actual Apple device, the eject button would be on the back, flush with the case.

Caramel :neofox_heart: :green: simplified your design a bit, six buttons is kinda a lot, and there is no real need for headphone jack ​:neofox_evil:​.

Mac Mini Datasette with two USB-C ports, no power button, and no headphone jack.

@iotar @NanoRaptor did they ever made one with reel to reel magentic tape storage?
And core memory?

Rue Mohr

@iotar @NanoRaptor what? no end-insert with paperclip eject?
This unit has buttons on it that will operate independent of the OS' intentions, this doesn't seem like the apple way... :]

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@iotar @NanoRaptor would be #20PercentCooler if it was a #LTO9-Tape drive for up to 45TB of removeable storage to #backup even the girthiest of #FinalCut-Projects!


@NanoRaptor Ooh this reminds me of An Observation that I accidentally made — the Mac Mini is suspiciously close in its footprint to the (newer, USB-C) iPad Mini:

iPad Mini snugly on top of a Mac Mini.
Simon Zerafa


You are from a nearby parallel reality aren't you? 😯

Please keep posting images of what there, it's fascinating 🙂👍


@simonzerafa not precisely from, but I do have the tools to visit from time to time.

Literally the doorway to my workplace:

A photo of dorkarse me with my TARDIS, and behind me the interior which is just a whole bunch of wide format signage printers and some other goodies. 

We had a flood there once, so yes there was a swimming pool.
A photo taken from down on the floor to the doorway of a factory, but the door has been wrapped to look like part of the Doctor's TARDIS, and a bit of extended signage has been placed above the doorway to show the remainder and the signage of POLICE BOX. It looks for all the world like I work in a tardis.
Simon Zerafa

@Exilsarahl @NanoRaptor

Ah, so you're from Galifray!
That makes a great deal of sense 🙂🖖

Sean Kleefeld

@NanoRaptor That's fantastic! The forest imagery on either side is such a great touch!


@NanoRaptor if they made them out of platinum grey plastic instead of aluminium, I’d buy one immediately!

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@NanoRaptor TBH, I think Apple should've named the new Mac mini as "Mac nano" instead...

But also who the f*k puts the power button *under the computer?

- That's worse than the Magic Mouse charging port, cuz most people need to turn on their computer more than once a week!

#Apple #MacMini #MacNano #ChargingPort #PowerButton #MagicMouse


@kkarhan @NanoRaptor
I think if you turn it upside-down, the heatsink will vent out the top and the power button will be accessible.
I'm not sure why they put the feet on that side.


@NanoRaptor I’d buy one with a minidisc player


@NanoRaptor it is so hard to get your code onto a 5.25" floppy these days

Matthias :veritrek_red:

@NanoRaptor I’ll wait for the Zip drive. (Insert some click sound here)


@NanoRaptor @catsalad Didn’t they make a zip drive version as well?

Pete Gamache

@NanoRaptor Clever retouching job there, but astute viewers will remember that the 2024’s paperclip hole is on the bottom of the unit.

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