Oh, that made me laugh out loud, which hurts at the moment due to whiplash. Someone should do an embroidery of that.... @suearcher@toot.wales @peter@thepit.social I've learned something new about HTML at least, if not embroidery. @peter @peter @yetzt I saw a video on this site at one point. IIRC it worked in all the browsers because back then the default heading styles were fixed font sizes and they assumed the heading ended at the end of the line. More recent browsers apparently do them relative to the previous size so you have the rapid expansion. @peter So what exactly happens here? Not to close the h2- and h3-tags does not lead to such a behaviour. 3:O)))> Please.... can someone animate that to the Star Wars opening crawl, possibly with the music getting louder and louder as the font size increases. (The actual "Main Theme" on CD lasts almost six minutes, which ought to be long enough.) @peter TIL that you can stack h3 tags. Huh, manmade horrors beyond human comprehension. Neat! @peter Oh this is absolutely EPIC. #Alt4You @peter I saw this over there and showed it to my wife. Couldn’t stop giggling the entire time. We haven’t laughed that hard in years. @peter this isn't my screenshot, but i have seen this site before and saw someone explain this context so i went searching for proof and found this screenshot linked when this site was shared on Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28058893 @peter alt text: Post from Emma Zhou on Bluesky. As follows: "does everybody know about my favorite website, the embroidery tips page that forgot to close its h3 tags" The link goes to an archived snapshot of an embroidery website, where the text gets bigger and bigger with each paragraph. Read it like you're screaming for extra effect. @peter until the VERY end where it has this in a tiny tiny font…. If a problem persists, we recommend that you contact @peter @peter amazing. sideways-scrolling across giant sans-serif letters taller than the screen felt like a graphical flourish from the intro to a 1960s spy movie or something @peter the font size goes up to 7999.96 pixels :neofox_floof: @peter When we talk about how the Web is no good anymore, we mean because it doesn’t have pages like this. @peter no idea whether I'm just in a weird mood, but I literally laughed tears while scrolling down the page ThesearesomeofthenormalproblemsyoumayencounterduringtheEmbroideryprocess.
This is art. Holy shit, my sides. @peter (Please pardon the @... screenshot of Emmu Zhou on bsky posting "does everyone know about my favorite website, the embroidery tips page that forget to close its <h3> tags" with a link to the same archive.org page. the <h3>'s are nested, so at least in some browsers, each successive tip is in a larger font than the previous, quickly reaching ridiculous proportions and just continuing. It's like if the Star Wars opening credits were verbally assaulting you. @peter Viewing this on a semi-large monitor at 30% zoom is the best thing I have done all week |
@peter bahahHaha