@liaizon from the press conference the other day, it sounds like they pretty much just took the process we have for plenty other administrative changes at that office and opened it to name and gender marker – under 14, the parents decide in the name of the child, from 14 to 18, the child decides with the consent of the parents, and from 18 on, you obviously decide for yourself. you just roll up, fill out the form, and that’s that. the ministers giving the conference were big on highlighting that we’re going to move away from the pathologising mindset of the earlier legislation covering these matters.
plus, they’re tacking on fines so people can’t dig into somebody’s name change and make it public when the person themselves hasn’t done so. which, sadly, isn’t quite something we can use against deadnaming, but at least it’s a deterrent against being outed.
@gekitsu this sounds fucking great, I hope it has the ability to actually get passed through to the next stage of law