@RandomDamage @StephenTallentyre @0xabad1dea yes, I'm not saying all people would be better, I just think that if someone is holding in prejudice to be in a welcoming place, they are likely gonna change just through exposure. I'll caveat by saying this is in the specific case where the person is in the environment by their own choice (like a livestream chat, as opposed to work)

About "only saying slurs because I was drunk", it depends on whether that's where the sentence ends or not (for me anyway). if they continue with something like "sorry, I'm trying to get over old habits but I apparently haven't progressed enough" (or something to that end) I'll be more likely to think they are saying the truth. If they end at "I was drunk" then it doesn't feel like they truly understand why that's bad and are just using drunkness as an excuse.