@StephenTallentyre @0xabad1dea
> The number of people who house prejudice in plain sight, who actually exist and not only in their, is non-zero.
I don't know that they have to exist. At least not for long. Prejudice is built on not knowing the people you're prejudiced against, only knowing the Boogeyman stories and the scares. If someone is able to hold their prejudice in long enough to be in the community where those folks are welcome, they will learn that they're bigotry is based on lies and grow out of it.
I say because I was one of these people, grew up in a pretty bad environment and just by being silent around people that I didn't know, I learned enough to start becoming a better person
@GwenTheKween @0xabad1dea
Full disclosure: I have this problem where I perceive people as concealing their actual intentions in the event that that's not actually the case. I know exactly why that is, FWIW; we're not gonna go there. Anyway: that is a more optimistic way of looking at people, certainly. I also can't think of any reason why you're wrong about that. If I'm reading everything you just said as objectively as I'm able to, you're right. Thank you.